Alternative sharing sites for loli/shota content

yeah i have to use an AMEX card now… so i feel that.


Honestly the community on ATF is great, people are generally very polite. It seems to carry a stigma but that’s just super overblown by people who’ve never been on there.
If you want lolisho content from somewhere that refuses to bow down to censorship than it’s really the only place to go.


Ive had an account for years cause i used to use pomf to stream randomly when i got sick of twatch. Just never used it. I may start scripting stuff on the boru ¯\(ツ)

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Made 4 scripts and posted them to ATF, you can check them out with a free forum account; So far there are 13 uploads.

Update: Added 4 more :supervillain:


rovovi has overtaken the ATF funscripts page with many uploads… beware of the :yo-yo:, :ninja:, :pray:



dare i ask what YoYo Ninja Pray means?

find the yo-yo here

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Anyone know if Zipling still does content? Or where to find their active site? They make great videos

Yes, Zipling does still upload content, on Subscribestar, but the most important thing is that the old content is not available over his subscription sites, and they also won’t reply when you ask for them. But you will be able to find it by searching on f95zone