Detailed - [Deselmine] Mage Kanade’s Futanari Dungeon Quest! [EDI]

It’s worth it to buy the steam version for uncensored lol

Really great, been doing this quite often recently

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@99DM Did it ever get figured out how to do the CG scenes or was it too weird to try pull the data for when they are called?

i don’t know from what method i have to pool the data

does anybody else have problems with EDI just shutting down constantly when playing?

Download the last exe an replace the EDI.exe from my mega in my edi post

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Hey, 0 dev experience, but everything seems to be working, except that once the game launches my handy will start stroking and it does not stop, there are fluctuations and changes here and there but it’s almost non stop, even just when the game isn’t in any kind of scene or interaction. is there a way to change this?

Maybe that’s just the filler scripts playing?
You can disable them by unchecking the “Filler” function in the EDI-Player.

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[Error : BepInEx] Error loading [ClimpMod 1.0.1]:

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What am I doing wrong here??

is there like. A step by step guide anywhere on this and how to use the integration. I don’t understand any of what this stuff means lol

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I’m getting this error too. I recognize the error. Essentially, either it can’t find the port or your firewall is blocking it. When I get to it, I’ll see if adding a firewall exception fixes the issue.

aside from firewall issues, a program like ‘tcpview’ for Windows lets you check if any programs are using that same port and resulting in a conflict.

Also also, try disabling your VPN if you have one/rebooting without starting up your VPN. (NOTE: If you have ‘disconnect protection’ or ‘secure disconnect’ or whatever where your VPN app disables your internet connection when it’s not running, you’ll want to disable that feature temporarily in your VPN.

I’m a bit lost.
So multiple game integration’s versions exist with this game.
Does the EDI one comes with the hard mod ? Can we apply it?
And is there an integration with the scenes?

Thanks. :sweat_smile:

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edi is responsible for managing FunScripts and ensuring they play correctly on devices. also handles tasks related to the loops in the galleries, as well as managing multiple versions of the FunScripts. If you want the hard mode, you should either change a one of the config file and put the hard mode true.
If you are experiencing issues with scripts continuing to play even after the content has ended, this seems to be an integration issue rather than a EDI issue. I recommend downloading EDI.exe from the mega folder, which is the last version, and replace it up in the game/EDI.exe

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Hope this isn’t considered a Necro, but I’ve encountered an issue.

I am trying to use the Edge 2 + FunSR1, but it seems the scripts have a hard time looping, in gallery mode at least. In the EDI itself, it plays fine. The FunSR1 stops moving after 2 cycles (with a long pause between those two) and the Edge 2 just vibrates without following a pattern at all.

Do I simply have too many devices on at once or is this a case of it getting signals mixed up? I would appreciate any help.

are you using the last version of edi? you can update here

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Yeah. I’m updated fully

Doing more research, it seems that the FunSR1 stops even if it’s one device plugged in. It might be an intiface issue? But I’m unsure.

I’ll try the Edge 2 by itself tonight and see what goes wrong and/or right

So I ended up figuring it out for me, I was using an outdated edi launcher or the wrong version of it. If you go to the edi link and get the new one it (replacing the old) it should work. If it does not start up right away, close it and reopen it.