Discussing Possible New Rules for the #Free-Scripts Category

But no scripter has any incentive to make free low quality content if they want the sales on their paid content.
That’s why I’m asking if this is a real issue.

The free scripts section’s value to a scriptor is that’s where most people go. So they obviously would post there as an ad for their paid content. Again, this is fine, in fact it’s optional, and free to do so. I don’t think it’s asking very much to at a minimum make your ad contain quality content.

You keep ignoring my question about whether that’s a real issue so I’ll stop the discussion here.

Define “real issue”
I thought it was clear:


Thanks in advance for letting me into the discussion a bit late.

This is a very sound catch, not gonna lie. Thank you for pointing that out, that’s something that can easily get lost unless you’re experiencing this issue regularly.

In response to the reply from this topic (Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline - #603 by VladTheImplier) about the unbanning loli/shota content and failure to follow the rules of the ban that those in charge placed I’d like to put forth the unbanning of celebrity deepfakes. If I remember the final reason for banning it was to avoid legal issues (yes there are moral reasons but the same can be said for loli/shota). sites like Mrdeepfakes are still around and I haven’t heard anything about them being banned or even legally challenged on a federal level for years (yes they may be banned on a local level in some places but we’ve seemed to ignore local level laws so far on many other issues).

From what I can understand so long as its not tried to be passed off as them in reality its legally a go hence why most videos of its type are named “not XXXX” and/or have a disclaimer saying its fake. If we follow the same rules I dont see why they shouldn’t be allowed (again I’m ignoring moral reasoning due to the many morally gray things we DO allow). I can agree to no revenge porn things like an ex but I think celebs should be accepted.

If you want to put forth suggestions for the site you should use the Site Feedback category, not this topic.

The topic is about discussing rules, seems appropriate.

This topic is about rules regarding Free Scripts category. Your proposal would be better in its own thread.

Where we are planning to migrate to deepfake porn is still illegal.
Nonetheless we still dont want to support content that hurts real people.



Just tried to find more parts of a sence, and suddenly can’t find anything. All previous link are died.

Rules are fine but plz make it start from now, instead of all past works.

I’m not aware of any of us retroactively hiding links.
It might be the original posters, which they can do so if they choose.

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which makes complete sense, deepfakes shouldnt be illegal for personal use, but i totally get distribution of such content as that could have very real world effects on people who dont deserve that hassle, with the other topic of concern [cartoon characters which despite looking like their 12 are usually 1200) that risk only happens with a mentally unstable individual who cannot separate reality from fantasy, i can respect if both stay banned though, its important this site protects itself as it is basically the hub for all the efforts of the scripting community.

for those still wanting the cartoon stuff their are other sites located outside the legal areas where they can get hit for such content,and the same is probably true for deepfakes, will it suck not having it all in one place, sure, but its better that, then yall get hit with something that shuts ya down and puts ya in legal hot waters. i do hope the puritans that keep making stuff more and more restricted get their just desserts

Could you give an example? Because links to videos die all the time for any number of reasons. Just ask in the thread for an updated link (assuming it doesn’t go against the new rules obv).

For Exp this one. https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/cjvr-038-part-1-vr-1mm-no-1/217061
There is no way to find the post detail or an updated link.

If you only hide a topic it won’t turn up in search or in latest or when browsing. However, if you have the link you can still reach the post despite it being hidden.

I don’t think anyone except mods and admins can truly delete posts/topics, only edit. I can’t delete my own topics. When hovering the mouse pointer over the trash bin icon the tooltip tells me that I don’t have the access right.

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I think I need to overhaul the permissions.
Will have to setup an alt to test things.

Hmm, I can delete the post I just made above, but if I check it on the How to script guide I’ve written in the howto section, or my personal page with links to all my script releases, I can’t. Maybe it’s related to how old a topic is or the category where the topic is? Sorry for causing confusion.

His point seemed very simple to me: can the script stand on its own?
If yes: its allowed
If not: its not allowed

A 1 min of action sample of a video that is ment to be 20mins of action will not show anything at all, so on that end, even if its action packed and highly accurate, just wont cut it.

5mins for a 50min video can mean those 5 minutes do at least something, and can stand on its own as the cut might happen at the same time as the video transitions. This is fine even if not complete.

Anime videos of 1 min are allowed, because most of the time the content on r34 is simply just 1min long, there is nothing a scriper can add. But for full videos, its just not enough.

Its always relative to the content here, whatever is provided can decide whether shorter videos than normaly are acceptable. If a video on PH is just 2mins, thats at most a 2min video. No need to set a 3min requirement then even if on PH its part of a longer video that was cut up into 4 sections.
Manualy cutting the video for just such preview means you at least need to find a length and cutting moment that makes the script feel complete.

Oh I see… fwiw you can look in the url and find the video easily on your own. Not sure about funscripts though :confused: