Edi tool for simple definitions

Edi is a great integration tool.
If you use it well, you can also change your skill or hp status in the game.
Scripting can be a little complicated for that.

But most games have a lot of short videos.
Creating a script for an integrated video is harder than a split video. (I was)
So I made this program for games that don’t need various functions.

It’s a game I integrated
This game is an example of using my program.

How to use the program

First, add dots at the end of all scripts (in the same time as the video) as shown above


Second, run edi_make_definitions.py in the folder that contains the script.

Third, Finished working, Check the definitions.csv created.

In mode, you only need to request the name of the movie file
You only need to modify the loop setting in definitions.csv

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I can only speak one language. It is a very hard thing to do, but I think if you used a translator, like google for example, it would be very helpful. While some parts of your post made sense, a lot of it didn’t and I cant really understand what you were trying to say. It is awesome that you are contributing to the community and we thank you. I want to really reiterate that this isn’t meant to sound condescending or rude. I just really genuinely am interested in the software you developed but the language barrier got in the way.

私は 1 つの言語しか話せません。これは非常に難しいことですが、Google などの翻訳ツールを使用すると非常に役立つと思います。あなたの投稿の一部は意味がわかりましたが、多くは意味がわからず、あなたが何を言おうとしていたのかよく理解できませんでした。コミュニティに貢献していただいていることは素晴らしいことですし、感謝しています。繰り返しておきたいのですが、これは見下したり失礼に聞こえることを意図したものではありません。私はあなたが開発したソフトウェアに本当に興味があるのですが、言語の壁が邪魔をしていました。

Oh, is it because my English is terrible?
Or do you need Japanese?

To explain it, I wrote a few lines of code in a program called edi that makes a simple file list.



oh no i speak english i just put it into a translator just in case. but that clarifies what this is much better, thank you!