Is there a way to combine scripts?

Let’s say I had two scripts that were all already done and finished, and I want to take 0:00-00:30 of script 1 and then 00:30-1:00 is script 2 then 1:00-1:30 back to script 1. I want to combine them and interlace them and create a brand new script out of these two.

In OFS you can select “project > add… > add new” or “add existing”. You will now have more than one funscript in the same project and you can copy paste between them.

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It might be overkill for what you’re trying to do, but there’s a post with instructions on how to use the funscript merge/splitter tool. See the linked comment and the one after it. I'm trying to make compilations of scripted videos - #4 by TheObsidianGeneral

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