MakeVibrations Lua Script for OFS

Hey nice work on the extension! It looks like you’ve put in a lot of work, I reckon create a new post for it as this is a significant upgrade. You can credit me for the baseline if you really want to but at this point I think you should be the primary credit for it :smile:

Upon seeing your screenshots I understand a lot better what you were going for, great to see you made it a reality!

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Sorry for the late response. when I mean cumulative I mean when you vary the intensity of the vibrations you have to press add vibrations and if it is not the correct intensity you have to undo it and try again. the cumulative part is when you press the add vibrations again it adds a vibration to the already make vibration instead of readjusting the one you just made. The way i see it would be better is if it was like the range extender or simplify tool where it live updates. I have seen how difficult this can be to potentially implement so I cannot give much advice, but it would be a feature I’d like to see. Thank you

I did a test for this and actualy managed to get this live updating working. But in my case (because it also includes the point adding making the script significantly heavier, combined with its unoptimization) it is notibly more laggy to use. Still for reference you can see how i achieved it:

For those who look in the script: Note the update function tracking the interface and reacting to updates, which then does use some trick for saving and undoing the changes. It however does still allow CTRL+Z after usage, so on that it seems to behave properly. Maybe someone can optimize the behaviour for this though.