OpenFunscripter - a scripting tool - 3.2.0 release

Does anyone know if there’s a way to have OFS highlight segments that are below a certain speed threshold (but not flat), similar how it can highlight segments that are above a threshold? I’m trying to improve some scripts by finding places where the script is slower than the Handy’s minimum speed, since it can result in some weird behavior.

This is great. The reason I gave up trying to script was because JFS was too laggy to work, and while OFS was smooth to work with, I couldn’t for the life of me get a joystick to integrate with it properly. Do you have any information about how to get that working in this version? Is there support for it or a way to do it in scripting? I’d be more than happy to program a script for it if someone could point me to the appropriate API functions to take joystick input.

I would say this would be a nice feature to have.

And on that, i would have liked it if there were actualy 2 upper tresholds you can configure. A hard limit and a soft limit. The hard limit would be a treshold that if you go above it, you can be sure the handy wont be playing it correctly. And a soft limit as a more of target treshold (as beyond 400 the color doesnt change, so there is no indication you exceeded it, yet you in plenty of cases want to exceed it).

Note that even if the handy cant exceed 400, the OSR can, making a script compatible with both is better. And this means OSR values are prefered as long as they dont exceed the absolute handy limit. Anything beyond 600 is going to be highly unreliable (can cause skipped strokes, and when going above it for extended durations can even cause desync errors).

Currently i only have set strokes above 600 to be displayed purple as that means a long purple section is problematic, and a very balanced purple/red mixture is at its absolute limit (and not played accurately, but can be desired if its more about intensity instead of accuracy - helpful for CH videos).

hi i cant find the 3d simulator according to the video it should be beneath the regular simulator in the view options menu but it isnt there. (i’m using version 3.2.0)

Im also missing the 3D Simulator.
nevermind, found out it got removed and replaced with

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After upgrading from windows 7 to windows 10, I copied out the mpv.dll from the OFS 2, installed OFS 3.2, renamed mpv-2.dll to mpv-2.dll.old, copied in the old mpv.dll and renamed it to mpv-2.dll, and it works without crashing.

… now if I can just get it to import a funscript made by another tool (scriptplayer.videosync.exe).

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Whenever I try to open OFS I click “run as admin,” I get the usual pop-up asking me if I want this app to be able to make changes to my computer, I click yes, and then nothing happens. I used OFS a couple of years ago on a different computer, and I don’t think I ever had this problem. I’m running the latest version and my Windows 10 PC is better than the laptop I was running it on previously. I’ve also made exceptions with antivirus for OFS and even tried turning it off completely. Any ideas?

And if you don’t run it as admin? Does the same happen?

Same thing happens… nothing. I don’t get an error message, and it doesn’t even start to open then crash. Just nothing happens.

Weird. Only thing that I can think of is a fresh install. Make sure to delete everything from OFS. There is a folder in appdata as well.

I just realized that my computer needs to do an update. I’m going to let it finish doing that, try again, then do a fresh install if that doesn’t work.

Let me know if it works after that.

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Install it to a diffirent location.

Install folder can matter a lot on these things as windows doesnt allow changes to happen in all folders. Especialy the root or program files folders are capable of giving issues here as the rights to write here are user dependant (admin users can often write fine in program files, but non admin users get popups here).

Also, if run as admin is required to run the program, that indicates an install issue from the beginning as this isnt needed at all.

Likely causes for other conflicts is if windows considers it downloaded from the internet, or when the program was copy/pasted over. Although this should generaly be handled fine in windows 10 (this can be checked when right clicking the folder and viewing its properties, it will mention the part of it being an internet download and restrict things because of that).

Virusscanner rarely matters here if the popup isnt virusscanner related. If the popup is from the virusscanner, then that is the place to look (and not windows).

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@Slibowitz @SomeoneRandom

All of my system updates finished many hours ago. I’ve repeatedly refreshed the “check for updates” button just to make sure there aren’t any lingering updates.

I’ve tried installing OFS to multiple locations now. I’ve made sure to delete the appdata folder and restart my computer each time too.

I don’t see anything in the folder properties mentioning it being downloaded from the internet or having any restrictions.

It still won’t open. The only thing that ever happens is that sometimes I’ll catch it pop up in the Task Manager under Background processes for a split second and then it’s gone.

EDIT: Just downloaded version 1.2.1 released July 3, 2021. It downloaded as a zip folder with an exe and no installer. It appears to open fine so apparently the latest version just doesn’t work with my computer. I’ll test it some more later to make sure it actually works though.

Check this post and see if that helps. It has helped several users getting OFS 3.x up and running.

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@sentinel It looks like that worked! Thanks! :+1:

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How do you use MFP for live testing, if you can not set the Websocket address and MFP does not allow as an ip?

System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: IPv4 address and IPv6 address ::0 are unspecified addresses that cannot be used as a target address. (Parameter 'hostName') (

The chapter indicator and bookmarks is invisible in the time line after playing the video. Does somebody know how I can solve this?


Make the pane bigger (grab the top and move up). The chapters are most likely below the visible part of the pane.

Thx for your help