Random Video Player v1.57 (Can sync with MFP and ScriptPlayer)

So, I’ve got a small problem with playing with ScriptPlayer. Whenver the next random video starts playing, I have to pause the video from RVP, press play in ScriptPlayer, and then actually play it from RVP. Is it possible to fix this?

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Hey, thanks for your feedback!

That shouldn’t happen, as the playback state is synced.

Does your setting in Script Player look like this?:


And you chose the correct player there?:


Ist there an “error.log” file in the directory of “RandomVideoPlayer.exe”?

Everything seems correct from your photos, and there is no error.log. A couple things I should probably mention are

  • The first video plays fine and the script successfully syncs. It’s the second and every other that doesn’t.

  • Occasionally, but not very often, when a new video begins to play, ScriptPlayer shows a popup that just says “Error”.

Hopefully this helps…

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Hi! First, I want to say thank you so much for making this. Secondly, will you be adding support for subtitles? Or am I just doing something wrong. Thanks!

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I’m sorry to hear that :frowning:

Currently I don’t know what’s wrong. I can’t reproduce this unfortunately. Usually, if the pathing is incorrect, Script Player would simply notifiy, that it can’t find the script etc. but when it throws an error, there seems to be something else. I’d try reseting it’s settings to default or re-install, but honestly I have no idea why it would do that :confused:

@randomsubs1 Hey, thanks for asking! In fact, I’m currently working on enhancing the wrapper to be able to gather trackinfos, so I can read audio and subtitle tracks from the video. It’s almost complete, just need to implement it in the UI part of RVP.

I’m confident it will be available in the next update, next to some other new features so stay tuned! <3 (My goal is a new update by the end of next week)

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The problem might be that the script isn’t downloading to the handy properly, cause that’s what’s happening. The sync is successful with the two programs, it’s just that the script doesn’t work until I do the pause, play, play process.

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Thanks for providing further details.

Hmm, it would be awesome if you’d be able to try using MPC-HC directly. If it works fine with it, there has to be an issue on RVPs side. That would narrow it down.

If you decide to try, just download mpc-hc and activate it’s web interface

Then try to play from your videos. I think play next should automatically play the next video in a folder anyways. To keep the workforce consistent.

Regardless, I will dig in Script Players source code again to see if there is something I’ve missed. Sadly I have no handy I could test it with, I can only let in run without a device connection.

It indeed works with MPC-HC.

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Okay sigh Thanks for testing ! I’ll see what the issue could be :hot_face:

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New release v1.48!

New features:

  • Clickable path (text at the bottom) to direct user directly to file in explorer
  • Option to automatically play next file depending on custom timer
    • Can also use a random value within a specified time range
  • Experimental feature: Animated effects when playing static images (Ken Burns)
  • Subtitles can be enabled and selected
  • External subtitles can be added to video
  • Subtitle cutomization in settings
  • Audio tracks can be selected
  • Option to play from files with available funscript only (Script filter)

UI tweaks:

  • Moved extension filter to it’s own settings tab
  • Single buttons for switching file types (videos, images) based on selected filters instead of selecting each extension individually
  • Subtitle and audio track selector on top left in RVPs title bar
  • Collapsable filters in listbrowser

Bug fixes:

  • File indexing not executing due non accessible folders => will now skip non accessible folders
  • Start playing recent X files not working on fresh start
  • Fixed exclusive fullscreen not working correctly when RVP is maximized
  • (Implemented interface to receive commands send by ScriptPlayer when syncing in hopes it fixes a playback bug)

Additional notes:

If using v1.46 or later, simply head to Settings=>About and let rvp update from there. Otherwise head to github release page and download the update manually.

Auto timer and Ken Burns effect:

So, instead of toggling between play next and loop video, the button now has a third state to auto play next after a defined time:


The timer can be set to a defined value in seconds or a random time with a min/max value.

Additionally, I’ve added the option to enable a “Ken Burns effect”.

With those unfamiliar with this, it’s basically a way to make static images more interesting by introducing movement to it.
Here is a little demo (It’s very choppy because of the gif and my intentional quality decrease):

It was quiet a headache until I got it working to a point I think is servicable and I don’t think it’s perfect yet, hence it’s marked as experimental.

You can leave the default settings for it, but feel free to experiment with them, though outcome might vary a lot.

Subtitles + Audio tracks:

You can now easily toggle subtitles, select different subs or audio tracks and even load external subs. The new menus are at the top left of RVP:


Additionally, you can customize the subtitle rendering:

New script only filter and extension filter refinement:

I’ve implemented three new toggles to quickly switch between video files, image files or files with script only.

You can still choose explicitely which extensions should be included via settings, but you don’t have to enable/disable everything now when you just want to switch either on or off.

Script only will ignore those settings and only plays videos that have a .funscript available.

Additionally you will find the same toggles in list browser:

Though they will only affect, what file will be moved to the custom list (right side) not the playback itself.


Hey, after updating RVP, I can no longer Pause with the left click, however, when I pause and left click to unpause, that still works.

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Archiv, yeah an oversight by me. Will fix that asap! Thanks for letting me know

New release v1.49! (Hotfix)

  • fixed play/pause not working on click
  • fixed small ui oversight

Simply update via RVP updater or download manually from latest release on github!


Thanks again for your updates! Here’s a couple notes for you from what I’ve seen:

  • The timer and auto range timer is working as intended which also affects the video.

  • Pan and zoom: Pan and zoom is not affected by video which is good. Can you either allow zero strength or the ability to disable one or the other? I’ll even take “0.01” if disabling is not possible. Also the pan animation label options does not make sense in terms of direction.

  • When toggling the shuffle / parse order button, that is how I’m able to reshuffle. Maybe have an option to reshuffle after playing through the playlist once?

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  1. By not making sense, you mean like because panning is actually a swivel motion and “vertically” would be called “tilting” and it’s actually neither and just moving the image? :smiley: Yeah I guess. Sure thing I can add a switch to toggle the effects

  2. Yeah that’s possible!

Thanks for you feedback <3

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New release v1.50!

New features:

  • Enable/Disable single image animation effects used when running experimental mode
  • Option to automatically re-shuffle the playlist after it finishes


  • Improved updater

Thanks for the quick update as now I can pinpoint what is going on with the effects. So what I’m seeing is before the timer is over and the image changes, the positioning and zoom of the image resets back to its original spot thus creating jarring transition. Since it affects both the zoom and “moving” effects, is there a way for the image to not reset back to its original spot?

Other than that, the automatic reshuffle works on my end. Thanks for that!

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I think I know what you mean. I do a little animated transition back to the default parameters in an attempt to make the transistion actually smoother. Without it, it looked worse :sweat_smile:

I will try to improve on that. I was thinking of a fade in/fade out to black for a short amount but I have to figure out a way to do that properly.

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I understand. In that case, I would rather have a smooth animation overall back to the original position to get rid of the jarring transition as a temporary placeholder until cleaner solutions are found.

If you have the ability to manipulate the brightness and contrast settings especially over time, this would be one way to go about creating the fading effect other than the obvious opacity settings if it exists. Another transition you could do is the swiping effect where you move the old image out of the frame and then move the new image into frame. For both the old and the new image, I would have the out of frame coordinates as far off as you possibly can to accommodate for large size images.

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Without knowing much about this feature but having seen it done in slideshow PMV vids a lot, is it maybe possible to capture the end state of a transition dynamically and display it as an overlay while you unload the previous asset/animation and load a new set? Or some other similar method of asset streaming since i’m assuming that’s the issue you’re facing

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