As you know, the slope between two action is the intensity of stroking of the Handy. It’s realy important if you want to refine the details.
So I create this lua Script to modify the slope between two actions.
Like each my Lua Script. After using it, it remember all his parameter
There is all the options :
Get_Slope : Calculate slope of two selected point
- A slope is two consecutives actions
- Display recult in Lua Output
- Save de value in …\OpenFunscripter Directory\Saves\Slope.txt
- Must have only two selected action
Set_Slope : Open the saved slope (see Get_Slope) and Modify each selected slope with the same direction to get matched.
Set_Slope_Max : Modify each selected slope with slope higher than the saved slope and with the same direction (see Get_Slope)
Set_Slope_Min : Modify each selected slope with slope lower than the saved slope and with the same direction (see Get_Slope)
RoundUpDigitNumber : Number of digit after point for the round up of slope
Favor_Top : Favor the highest action
- If the two action can be modify to set the slope, the highest will be modifiy
- If it was no choise, the lowest will be modifiy
Favor_Bottom : Favor the lowest action
- If the two action can be modify to set the slope, the lowest will be modifiy
- If it was no choise, the highest will be modifiy
Freeze_Top : Never change the highest action
- If the two action can be modify to set the slope, the lowest will alway be modifiy
- If the only choise is the highest, no action will be modified
- This option is stronger than Favor_Bottom
Freeze_Bottom : Never change the lowest action
- If the two action can be modify to set the slope, the highest will alway be modifiy
- If the only choise is the lowest, no action will be modified
- This option is stronger than Favor_Top
Deselect_After_Set : Unselect all actions after Set_Slope, Set_Slope_Min and Set_Slope_Max
There is the Lua Script :
This script can be use with OpenFunscripter.
For installation see 11-lua-scripts-for-openfunscripter.