So of course there is audio based and action based scripts as well as hybrids. I like the action based ones more myself.
After trying a bunch of different strokes I find I have a favorite style that is more pleasing to me and I want to find more like that. That style would be inverted stroke patterns.
What is that, you ask?
This is where instead of a fast down stroke and slower up stroke it’s opposite. I think I would like audio based scripts or cock/faphero scripts more if they were like this instead.
I know people have software to auto script audio to the beat, but can it invert the strokes?
Also if there are any recommendations for this style of scripts currently out there.
If I had the time and resources I would look in to doing this myself, but as it stands I maybe get to handle myself once a month or so. I rely on this community so I can enjoy myself when I do get the time.
Thanks for any help.