I started getting this weird jitter or vibration in the servo movement of my SR6, both during a script and even when the script is stopped. I’ve even seen it happen when the controller was disconnected and not powered on - just the servos.
Here’s a video of what I mean - this is after the script is stopped and the SR6 is moving back to the home position:
In this case, it stopped a few seconds after reaching the home position, but at times it will go on for much longer. Has anyone encountered this before or know what it might be? It just started happening recently. Maybe a failing servo?
Not sure which motors you are using but it could be related to what @g90ak is saying here:
I have the same problem with the motors I got from FUNOSR last year. So far, it doesn’t cause problems when using it though so it doesn’t bother me too much.
Oh yeah, thanks for the link. That definitely sounds like the same thing. Not sure I feel like replacing them, since they’re not even that old. Suppose I’ll get used to it.