A new era of VR PMVs

So I have been playing around with my computer…
The goal is to mask multiple scenes in a single clip.
Below is just a very small example of what I intend to expand upon.
What do you think?

https:// www.dropbox.com /scl/fi/fa4hwg9cmmuedvm2m2yoo/BetterExample.mp4?rlkey=2o4u38qxgxhg45vsno3okh3kx&st=9m0g1sqs&dl=0

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Audio was doubling up for me along with being off sync and the masking was too clear, if you maybe had some fade or something between the source’s intersection points then it would be less noticeable.

Masking multiple scenes into one clip or section of a video has been done before though for non-VR versions of PMV’s with this being the most recent example I know of done wonderfully: https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/sk3l3t0k-doomscroll-pmv-free-act-1-5k60-2-1-act-2-3-dlc/164801?u=ratattack15

Just not done in VR much since I personally believe from what I’ve observed is that VR PMV or content is in a bad spot to really make edited versions of it. Mainly due to hardware requirements on top of time needed to do the rendering after managing to edit it all. Then there’s also trying to have the visual quality work out great…if you can even get source versions of the videos.

Thanks for taking the time to review,

I forgot I left audio in, the purpose was to display passthrough VR with multiples of the same scene.

non-VR and VR are certainly different beasts. The main issue is that you have side by side frames, which are not actually the exact same shot (pause at any point and you will see that the left frame is not the exact same as the right).

While not posted here, it was posted elsewhere with more of a fade for the masks. The purpose here was to showcase:

  1. A clean removal of the background
  2. the ability to have clear VR scenes interacting within a single scene

Ah that was not clear to myself from your initial post.

It’s hard to judge if the example shown has achieved those purposed in my mind since I don’t have the source footage to compare to nor did I boot up my VR headset to properly look at the example or even download it.

Although I am also not an pass-through enthusiast nor found an video to use in pass-though yet since I don’t have a laying down setup easy to get ready.

Creating this as full passthrough opens up multiple avenues.
Were I too just use masking, there would opacity effect. What I have would allow these scenes to fit ontop of any background. It will be the building blocks of much greater projects

well there is nothing to see so I’m not sure how to give feedback

The video has broken.

I broke apart the link, try now

As above^

I think there’s a lot of room for play and exploration with this! Reminds me a little bit of what Sunny9tzu was doing with Cure For Me, which is one of my favorite PMV’s. I wish there were more like it. Seems like you might be experimenting in that realm. https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/vr-pmv-wpmvg-2023-sunny9tzu-cure-for-me/107866/1


Hey Donnie,
Yes! I am certainly experimenting with all things possible with VR / VR PMVs specifically

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I wish it was easier to make pmvs, fapheros and such without using expensive video editing software. I would love to do more vr pmvs and stuff. Just dont want to deal with needing to use pricey software.

Adobe Premiere pro or Final Cut Pro for Macs

Yeah thats all stupid expinsive.

I’m not sure how to use that link