A year later, 3 PCs later, cannot load OFS

I have been scripting for Handy for about a year now, (mostly for my own customization, and I dont think I’m supposed to share scripts made with JFS) and have been happily using JFS as it was all I could get to work. I just got on OSR2 and want to start working on multi axis. I’m told OFS is the only program for scripting multi axis, so I would really like to get it working and share my work. I tried to get OFS on my laptop and two separate “gaming” pcs, all windows 11, with the two desktops representing both intel+nvidia (i5-12th, 4060 ti) and amd (ryzen 5 5+rx 5500xt). In every case, after the installation, I click on the app and…nothing. No errors or prompts…just nothing. WHAT AM I MISSING? Im not what I would consider incompetent with (windows) computers but am nowhere near the level of expertise that is to be found among you all. With no thread to follow as far as an error or specific problem, I am stuck. I have tried and tried to find the answers in previous threads, or a comprehensive guide to installation, to no avail. Please, please, please someone help me with this! I’m so frustrated with it that I’m willing to PAY a reasonable fee to one of you for the expertise if I can just get this working. Thank you in advance for taking your valuable time to add your insight.

Not going to help with your issue at hand.
However, to my understaning, you are allowed to share scripts created with JFS, as long as it isn’t for comercial use, eg. paywalling behind patreon.

Have you tried using mpv-1.dll instead of mpv-2.dll (rename and replace)? It seems to be one of the more common solutions for those that can’t get OFS 3.2.0 to run at all. Download OFS 2.0 and you should have mpv-1.dll there. Make sure to download a zip of OFS 2.0, not an installer (exe).

Well good to know, thank you.

I will try that asap. Thank you

BOOM that was it! Thank you sentinel! Now to learn how to work this dang thing…

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