About search and sort

Is there a way to sort the topics by the time they were created, rather than by the time they were replied, and see the preview map of the topics when using search?
I’m sorry my English is not very good

moved to Help

Not sure what you mean by

see the preview map of the topics when using search

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Thank you for your reply!
When I browse by tag, I can see the preview in the topic, but I can’t sort by the creation time of the topic. I can only sort by the reply time.
When I use search, I can sort topics according to their creation time, but at this time, I can only see the creator’s avatar, not the preview of topics.

ohhh! I see what you mean. This way works. Thank you very much for your help! :+1:

When I use

Only all topics can be sorted, but topics with specific tags cannot be sorted.
For example, is there a way to sort topics with hmv tags by creation time?


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If I use the search page, I can only see the avatar of the topic creator, not the preview of the topic directly. If I don’t use search, I can see the preview, but I can’t sort by the creation time of the topic.

I’m not sure if this problem is caused by my use of the mobile version

that’s a limitation of the plugin used for thumbnail previews unfortunately

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Here is a workaround with thumbnails:

Pick a tag first in a #scripts category and add “?order=created” at the end of created url. The downside is it only works for one tag (no combinations).


thank you!

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