Agent mirai v3, Real Life Machine Multi-Device EDI [Update 07/2024]

i am using this ffmpeg command to convert all the videos.
i do not how to fix or what format or preset should use
$ffmpegArgs = @(
“-i "$inputPath”“,
“-filter:v scale=1920:1080”,
“-c:v hevc_nvenc”,
“-preset p7”,
“-rc constqp”,
“-qp 28”,
“-b:v 10M”,
“-maxrate 12M”,
“-bufsize 15M”,
“-profile:v main”,
“-level 5.1”,
“-pix_fmt yuv420p”,
“-c:a copy”,
“-f mp4”,

This might not be a video format issue.

When I say immediate black screen, I mean immediate. No company/engine logos or copyright info, or anything.

I can play the video files fine in a video player.

Why do you even need to alter the video files from their original format? what was the original resolution of them?

I had that same issue when I used the wrong video format. It’s possible that the game’s internal player is causing problems. I’m going to decompress the package again and try once more.

can you replace this two video in the video folder and tell me if still dont work

Yea, that lets the game start.

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right i am going to upload a repack later today

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link updated


OK, things seem to be working now. Will be a while until I can test if the integration works though.

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On the main menu, select “chapter select.”

In the chapter select menu, there are a few hidden commands:

At the extreme lower-right corner of the screen, there’s a point where the mouse pointer will change from an arrow to a finger (same as if you mouse over one of the chapter options). Click this 15 times, and it will do a full reset of your save data. (you’ll know it works when all options except for “day 1” disappear off the chapter select screen).

At the top-right corner of the screen, just above the corner of the inner darker square, the mouse will change to a pointer again right over the hair clip. Click this 25 times to unlock Endless Mode.

And the best one, at the extreme lower-left corner of the screen, there’s a point you can click 50 times to unlock everything. You’ll have all achievements, and the anime gallery will be unlocked.

There’s a few other points you can click a number of times to unlock things, but they just unlock to a specific day (such as the tip of her tit unlocking Day 2).


i came accross this on rule 34 Rule 34 / mirai_(agent_mirai)
is this game still receiving updates or something ?

oh wow, i just see the steam page and the full version will be released in 3 weeks

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