Alternative sharing sites for loli/shota content

From reading through comments on the other topic, someone suggested Iwara. Think it would be a similar thing there to contact the mods if they could open up a subforum for scripts. It doesn’t even have to be only loli/shota scripts but could open up more scripts in general for all types of videos hosted on that site.

Only problem then would be that the scripts are solely focused for videos from that site ofc and not videos outside the website. But it could open up for more scripters from Japan and China for example, since they are active on that website and might join in on the script making.


Going to provide an overview of iwara here and how they could potentially be an alternative for the proposed use case in the OP.

Three Pillars

From the bigger picture, the ideal situation is a place that has three pillars:

  1. Streaming
  2. Storage
  3. Community section

iwara you could argue has all three in the following manner.


iwara is a high traffic site that has videos available in three resolutions when they’re 720p or above (with 540 and 360) for streaming.

The site can be slow at times, although it does allow videos to be streamed. Tags such as loli are categorized as sensitive and require a user account on the site to view (they’re hidden from search results when you’re not logged in).


Building off the streaming pillar, the video pages on the site also have a Download button if you are logged in (keyphrase: if you are logged in). is a recent storage service that also started up although there isn’t much to say yet. It’ll need some time for people to provide feedback on what they think of it.

Free users on get the following:

  • 25 GB storage
  • Low Daily Bandwidth
  • Pre-Download Page
  • Advertisements

Community Section

Although iwara does have a discord server, there is also a forum section of the site. The closest area I can think of for sharing something like funscripts would be the Sharing area of the forums. However, it is not clear if this section is just for sharing MMD models.

What I can do is ask Kotono (the admin) about if Funscripts are also allowed in this section, and if they are not, then if the site is open to having a section specifically for Funscripts to separate the MMD models from Funscripts and not have a mix of the content in the same place.


That sounds like a great idea. I think a sub-forum of some kind would be necessary for script sharing due to the volume.

I’ve made a similar post on ATF, just waiting on mod approval for the thread to go public.


They have a downloads section on the forum, it definitely would make archiving the scripts a hell of a lot easier on there.

You should probably make the post in this thread:

Rather than making a whole new one though.

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well i signed up, looks similar to which somewhat recently shutdown for basically no actual reason ironically. but i switched to pixiv long before that anyways

iwara is also currently having some issues which explains the slowdowns during peak hours. TLDR: they are waiting on new server hardware to arrive.

Just an update on ATF

I made a new thread here:

and a new reply to an existing thread here:

If you guys want to see ATF start hosting scripts then go voice your support for it on one of those threads. You do need an account to access the site.


Misread the above comment.

As with all* loli sites you need an account to view the content, which should have been enough for eroscripts but eh. Anyways it’s the exact same result as posting a link to an eroscripts script thread, you need an account to view.


Looks like the admin wasn’t willing to have a separate subforum on iwara for just Funscripts, but did recommend this:

You can make and use a post for it. This kind of thing feels more suited to be using one big megathread.

I submitted a Funscripts megathread to be reviewed for approval (creating a new thread needs to be approved before it appears). If it gets approved, I can link it here.


Good work!


im getting in the van


While I like the idea of ATF for another Site, I did want to link a site I recently found that hosts some scripts.스크립트&p=1

links must be encrypted however. But it’s not a bad choice either.

(Just realized it was in Korean, I had a Translation Extension On).

But yeah if ATF is willing, that’s the best choice imo.


Looks pretty solid, can already see some familiar faces on there.

I’m guessing they don’t allow uploading of any content including the scripts themselves?

Yeah whole sites in korean, but if that’s what it takes to find a new home, then it’s time for me to man up and learn some korean.

Looks pretty damn active too


Now you reminded me, it might be a good time to set foot on arca live (been lurking for a while).

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From what I saw, you encrypt a link to your mega (or another site), containing the scripts/video.

Theres already a post mentioning removal of some scripts on this site:스크립트&target=all&keyword=loli&p=1

And even comments mentioning:
"Rather than using EroScript, why don’t you convert the ㅁㄱ or ㅋㅇㅅㅋ link to a 64 machine and post the link in the post? "

Ah you mean Base64 you can use (This site does the encoding/decoding within your browser, where as many of the top results will send the data to it)

For example if you see “aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci83NTlGR1l5USNCZkpmWGN1VEJtR3JYVXo1TFczV29n” just run the base64 decoder on it.

Edit: On each script sub-category has its own password, if you know them please let us know. Sometimes the password could be the category name, or something like “scripts” or “script” and so on but many of them are confusing for non-korean speakers.

I made a Userscript for automatic base64 decoding of articles.
It will automatically decode and create a link above it. (not for comments)

Use Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey, create a new script and paste the contents from below, press save and reload your article pages. If you get an alert popup on an article let me know the URL so I can fix it.

It’s not 100% accurate at detecting base64 content and might randomly decode links/images, but for a quick first version it’s good enough.

// ==UserScript==
// @name - automatic article base64 decoder
// @namespace
// @version      1.0.4
// @description  automatically decodes base64 encoded elements witin articles
// @author       rovovi
// @match        *://*/*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    if(location.href.match(/^https?:\/\/arca\.live\/b\/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\/\d+.*?/)) {
        var b64EncodedReg = /(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})$/
        var e = document.querySelector("div.article-content");
            var children = textNodesUnder(e)
            for(let i=0; i < children.length; i++) {
                var child = children[i];
                var parent = child.parentNode;
                if (parent != null && parent.classList != null && parent.classList.contains("base64decoded")) {

                var childTC = child.textContent
                if (childTC.includes("http")) {
                    console.log("Found element " + childTC + " with http, skipping decode")

                var b64 = childTC.match(b64EncodedReg);
                if(b64 && document.getElementById(b64[0]) == null){
                    const decoded = atob(b64[0])
                    if (!decoded.includes("http")) {
                        console.log("Found decoded element " + decoded + " without http")
                    const p = document.createElement("p")
                    const a = document.createElement("a")
                    p.textContent = "Decoded: "
           = "_blank";
                    a.textContent = decoded
                    a.href = decoded
                    child.parentNode.insertBefore(p, child);
        } catch(err) {
            alert(" base64decoder: " + err);

 * Retrieves an array of all text nodes under a given element.
 * @param { Node } el - The element under which to search for text nodes.
 * @returns { Node[] } An array of text nodes found under the given element.
function textNodesUnder(el) {
    const children = [] // Type: Node[]
    const walker = document.createTreeWalker(el, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT)
    while(walker.nextNode()) {
    return children

Following up on the funscripts megathread: there was a bug that prevented it from showing up, but after talking with a few mods it’s finally visible.

It looks like the funscript link there was giving the forum mod an invalid link error, so it seems like funscripts uploaded here on eroscripts require being logged in?

Also, this was asked:

Could you also provide a link to a guide on how to use/get started with Funscripts?

I can update the post in the thread with more info from people here who are more experienced with funscripts.