Alternative sharing sites for loli/shota content

Edit: On each script sub-category has its own password, if you know them please let us know. Sometimes the password could be the category name, or something like “scripts” or “script” and so on but many of them are confusing for non-korean speakers.

I made a Userscript for automatic base64 decoding of articles.
It will automatically decode and create a link above it. (not for comments)

Use Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey, create a new script and paste the contents from below, press save and reload your article pages. If you get an alert popup on an article let me know the URL so I can fix it.

It’s not 100% accurate at detecting base64 content and might randomly decode links/images, but for a quick first version it’s good enough.

// ==UserScript==
// @name - automatic article base64 decoder
// @namespace
// @version      1.0.4
// @description  automatically decodes base64 encoded elements witin articles
// @author       rovovi
// @match        *://*/*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    if(location.href.match(/^https?:\/\/arca\.live\/b\/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\/\d+.*?/)) {
        var b64EncodedReg = /(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})$/
        var e = document.querySelector("div.article-content");
            var children = textNodesUnder(e)
            for(let i=0; i < children.length; i++) {
                var child = children[i];
                var parent = child.parentNode;
                if (parent != null && parent.classList != null && parent.classList.contains("base64decoded")) {

                var childTC = child.textContent
                if (childTC.includes("http")) {
                    console.log("Found element " + childTC + " with http, skipping decode")

                var b64 = childTC.match(b64EncodedReg);
                if(b64 && document.getElementById(b64[0]) == null){
                    const decoded = atob(b64[0])
                    if (!decoded.includes("http")) {
                        console.log("Found decoded element " + decoded + " without http")
                    const p = document.createElement("p")
                    const a = document.createElement("a")
                    p.textContent = "Decoded: "
           = "_blank";
                    a.textContent = decoded
                    a.href = decoded
                    child.parentNode.insertBefore(p, child);
        } catch(err) {
            alert(" base64decoder: " + err);

 * Retrieves an array of all text nodes under a given element.
 * @param { Node } el - The element under which to search for text nodes.
 * @returns { Node[] } An array of text nodes found under the given element.
function textNodesUnder(el) {
    const children = [] // Type: Node[]
    const walker = document.createTreeWalker(el, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT)
    while(walker.nextNode()) {
    return children

Following up on the funscripts megathread: there was a bug that prevented it from showing up, but after talking with a few mods it’s finally visible.

It looks like the funscript link there was giving the forum mod an invalid link error, so it seems like funscripts uploaded here on eroscripts require being logged in?

Also, this was asked:

Could you also provide a link to a guide on how to use/get started with Funscripts?

I can update the post in the thread with more info from people here who are more experienced with funscripts.


when i click that link it just downloads the funscript for me

That might be because you’re logged in. I tried on incognito/logged out, I also get an error.

oh yeah thats right. i guess youd need a way to share the funscript directly on iwara

You should not be hotlinking to, those links will go down at some point especially when the threads are deleted. Not to mention you need an account to view attachments.

I keep thinking what a shame it will be for all the content here to be deleted. I wonder if there is something that can be done the threads or at least the scripts made.

while im working on scripting a ass load of hmvs from hmv mania ATFM who has been vocal about the ban is working on a archive of sorts idk i they will be posting it eventually tho


Funscripts now have a dedicated category in the ATF downloads section!


I spoke to Arganderus and the funscript file, along with the video can be uploaded directly to the site, must be a .zip and so long as they aren’t extremely large file sizes. I’m not sure what constitutes a large file size, but best bet would be to check the file sizes of other downloads. If the video is too large, using pixeldrain or similar and sharing the link also works


Will it be possible to use a time machine to click on scripts link ?
Or because loli requires you to be logged in and time machine not letting you log in it would not work?

eroscripts refugees lmao. well the way things are looking I believe most stuff will stick around and only the more extreme stuff will be yeeted and so hopefully this ban will be a ban mostly in name only

I vote for arca live
How about f95zone

The more options the better

Edit: actually I have vague memories of f95zone purging a bunch of loli stuff a while back

I’d like to join the Arca Live community and I’m curious if they welcome non-Korean people.
I’m not sure if I can learn the Korean language, so I’m wondering if they are welcoming to people who speak English?

To view any script threads you need to login. which no “time machine” has.

They said they’d remove the content in 2 months and the tag will be gone regardless… At best this site becomes extremely inconvenient to use and at worst hundreds of funscripts are lost forever unless we can get a backup.


no whats been happening is

if the hentai doesn’t look like a prepubescent character its not only staying but the loli tag being removed from that post.

which means all these people who dislike loli content are not only going to get to see it and be unable to mute it because of the tag being gone, but more loli content will be posted and if it looks like a character that is not prepubescent it will stay and be deemed no longer loli.

so this ban is literally counter intuitive. and it will actually make the site worse by making people who dislike the content forced to see it and be unable to mute the tag that no longer exists.

the perfect karma for what they caused by reporting mega accounts over this bullshit. i hope you all enjoy the fruits of your labor.


I do have a backup, information will be uploaded to in the future (could be a week or close to when the ban hits)


If not further make it so that tags like petite small-tits and similar become the staples for being used to say a script has loli in it rather than what they actually are for. Which then if muted means that people might miss out on their favorite pornstars since I’ve seen plenty of cases where something I’d tag as big-tits gets small-tits and the pornstar was Sasha Fox.
It’s too subjective currently of what is defined as big and small as the tag wiki doesn’t have it setup yet nor are the tags able to be moderated. With part of the problem being anyone that hates loli putting associating tits that are less than DD’s to be smoll it seems. Or at least this is the impression I gain from what I’ve seen.