Anyone have any tips on how to script ball licking?

It’s really annoying to me because it’s usually either no visible movement at all with some implied sucking and tongue flicking, or side to side licking back and forth.

i don’t notice it often because it’s not super common, but whenever i live test my work i notice how boring my little 0-3-0-3-0-3 movements feel compared to what i’m seeing on screen

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I do this because I usually script mouth only - not hand.

It is tricky. I try to match the speed of any visible movement, capture the intensity rather than the exact movement. If there is very little visible movement, I’ve started adding more variation recently.

Side to side movement can be scripted either left-up right-down or left-up centre-down right-up depending on the intensity you want.

Some examples, not sure how good they are:

thank you, maybe i just need to put my short strokes closer together for those segments

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This is a common issue in scripts, since you try to mimic something that the device cannot do. Licking is nearly always going to be unrealisticly represented. Even full up and down motion has significant flaws:

  • You cant make the lick happen from 1 side, the sleeve is also all the way around your dick
  • Usualy between licks there is no contact, yet to reposition you have a stroke action
  • Sideways licks

And since there are many ways to mimic these, you have to improvise a lot. Just depending on the pacing of the rest of the video, you might already want to adjust the method used. A fast pace video might for example take a vibration method (5 units apart at high frequence) when the lick itself barely changes location. Yet for slow videos your gentle approach might be better.

But a key aspect is: regardless of method, timing must be spot on. A lick on the balls should start the movement for that lick the moment tongue touches and end when it releases. Even if there is an inverse stroke, its timing is what causes immmersion.

Just make sure the handy isnt going to stutter (unless you explicitly script it to be that way).

If you realy care, you might even want to go for the OSR and script in multiple axises (a lot of people would also be happy for this). As with its rotation and angle changes, these more difficult parts are easier to script, and especialy rotation is a good substitute/assistant for licking.

Thank you. I think what you said about that pace was my main issue, the scene i am scripting is super intense and the ball licking was just like a boring dead spot in the script. i went back over it and moved the strokes closer together for that part, i’m going back over the scene with the simulator right now to tighten things up then i’ll live test it and post it here.

I don’t think i’m ready to start scripting for the more advanced strokers yet, still getting the hang of the Handy.

Super fast scripts are often the hardest to script because of device limitations anyway.

But note, the low intensity of licking can be the exact reason why it happened in the video as well. It is possible to get ‘numb’ quickly when pacing goes fast. Calming down is a good way to reset it and ball licking is a popular way to do that. It gives a little sensation but is only a small fraction of fast stroking.

The only thing to avoid is having too little sensation. If you can still feel the slow action, it most likely is how it feels. And thats where the timing matters. As those give the cue what to feel, and make you feel it better.

Yeah so i tried using faster motions and it just felt out of place, so i went back to just following the motion i could see and exaggerating the stroke length a bit. It wasn’t a big part of the scene so i guess it doesn’t matter if it’s boring.

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Yeah agree with the previous comment, I often appreciate ball licking as a less intense part of a script. Not taking a break but feeling something a bit different and more relaxing, teasing. I usually script it in the 0-20 or 0-30 range.

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And thats how it should be. Moments of calm in a video are not a problem at all.

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