Are you new to scripting? You may find this useful. SCRIPTING DEMO

This is a demonstration of the process I use for creating scripts.

I selected a short 11min Blowjob Queen scene. The downloadable script was done with just motion tracking, no edits have been made. The mega link will take you to a 10min screen recording I made of me editing the first 20sec of the scene. In the video I adjust the lengths and speeds of the motion capture script, thus turning it into a properly edited script. Now this is just the second step of the script creation. First comes the motion track, then editing the motion track. Then I will watch the script play out and make adjustments as needed. The final step will be loading the script and Handy up, taking note of any off strokes.
I added in some text in the screen record to try and explain what I’m doing.
Feel free to hit me up with your questions :+1:


Motion Track Script
Blowjob Queen - Script Demo- MOTION SCRIPT.funscript (20.8 KB)

Script Demo Video


Some of you guys put tons of individual points in your scripts. For instance, you have some 10% ish movements over a span of maybe 5 or so frames.

Does that really significantly benefit the script? Genuinely curious. @Falafel in particular seems to obsess over tiny movements. I want to be crystal clear that you both do fantastic work! I just wonder if it’s all necessary.

Call me lazy, but that seems like an awful lot of time to spend on something undetectable. Maybe I’m just ass at scripting lol :joy:

And I may be a fucking caveman because even Falafel’s demo doesn’t look all that practically different to me. Just wondering if there’s something I’m missing to justify the additional level of detail.

@Midevil the device in Falafel’s demo is a Handy and that’s the only device I own as well… Just doesn’t seem to make a big difference to me. Maybe I’m the odd man out :man_shrugging:

I should also clarify that I don’t mean vibration. I totally see the difference there! I just mean during general up/down movements like in this BJ script and in the Falafel demo.


from what I understood some devices greatly benefit (the handy) from those extra points due to hardware limitations. Other faster devices can make do without

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Thanks for sharing!

I think this stroke might be too slow for the Handy to execute smoothly. I’d expect a stutter here.

Slow strokes are tricky… I’ve had some 18unit/s actions that connects smoothly, but also faster ones that causes stutter. I can only say strokes below 30unit/s is at risk and needs to be checked.


Precisely what I’m looking at, @Falafel! I’m curious what the actual threshold is.

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If it’s just 5 frames in a 30fps video the difference would be minor. Could be me obsessing with certain animator’s craftsmanship, or it’s just a by-product of motion tracking and I’m too lazy to clean them up XD (as long as they don’t hurt, why not).

SlowScripter might be doing this because nuances such as speed changes could be more noticeable in slow scenes than fast ones. I would do the same unless it’s too slow and cause stutters.

I think an SR6 may be more capable of reflecting speed changes than a Handy, though I don’t currently have one of those monsters to shove another carrot in.


In fairness, I probably go to the opposite extreme. I don’t like any excess points if I can help it. Probably a byproduct of my video editing past. Minimal stuff in the timeline for maximum efficiency in rendering and exporting.

Again, I want to stress that I appreciate the work of everyone here :heart:. I’m just trying to justify my laziness as efficiency lmao

Sorry for derailing things a bit here, @SlowScripter . Hope this helps someone get into scripting!

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Does that really significantly benefit the script?

Yes and no. Will you feel all these little movements when using the script, probably not. However, what they can do is keep the timing of the script in line with the scene. And in my experience timing equals immersion. I do agree with you that some scripts have too many points, and I find that the script will feel like someone driving a stick that shifts too much. As for how a simple up, down vs. Up down with a curve stroke feels, check out the video below. This is a non sync script, it has a blend of simple and curved strokes. And is a screen recording of OFS so you can see the strokes as they were made.

slowfast - OFS view.funscript (38.5 KB)

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I don’t think this will stutter, but being that it’s 92 - 100 it won’t register on the handy. The speed is at 26.67units/s. I’ve found that anything less than 15 will not register the way you wanted it to, and any movement less than 3 doesn’t make an adequate stroke. This is a good example of something I would change in later editing.

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8 unit strokes are easily registered by the handy. Vibration scripts show that this is easily managed.

From my experience it starts to ignore strokes when it gets below 3 units. But even then it depends on its surroundings. Even strokes of length 1 work in some cases.

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Will take a looks Slow, thanks.

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…tyvm, that’s a few stupid questions answered i don’t have to ask now!

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I’m in the camp that scripts should be much simpler than they often are. If you’ve got actions that are faster than like 60ms being done, and if you’re trying to create a curve on the graph, the script usually turns out stuttery and jerky.

It’s because when you add a point towards the end to give it a curve, you cause a sharp speed change, and the Handy either stutters on it, or in some way it just quickly speeds through the next action so that it doesn’t feel smooth of pleasurable. I like the details for vibration-like and tongue-lick-like things people add, but often what looks smooth on a graph is a curve, but what’s smooth on real-life is a line.

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