Best Funscript Player for Handy (with vibrations)?

Hello there,
so not new to the Funscript Game, but new to the Handy. I
I Had a Fleshlight Launch for like forever and now upgraded to a Handy.
So naturally i finally could try out faster Scripts like PMVs and stuff like that.
After a while I discovered that a lot of scripters also make Versions titled as: vibrations. Usually very quickly patterns that make the handy shacky shake.
When i use the classic Script Player + Intiface to connect the Handy Bluetooth vise it has troubles with it. Usially its just quick strokes but nothing compared to when I use it for example with the VR SLR setup where I connect the handy via WiFi and use the local script player option.
Oh my this is quite a difference and the vibration scripts…well they are vibrating as they are supposed to do.
So now my big question: Is it not working with the script player generally or do I have something not setup right ?

Maybe someone has run also into this issue or just has an Idea to point me in the right direction :slight_smile:

I assume it’s a limitation of Intiface, not the scriptplayer.

I have the same behavior with Intiface, but when I use the Scriptplayer and connect to the handy directly it works as it should. As far as I can tell.

The current pre-release updated the handy Api to v3 so it only works with the Handy 4.x Firmware. See here: Handy FW4 Support for ScriptPlayer

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