Hello community!
My Keon had a short life. Its blinking red and blue leds and won’t move now. I read this indicates a blockage not allowing the device to function. There were some less than comforting sounds before it stopped moving all together. After finding no visible blockages or broken drive parts, before and after removing cover, I have come to the conclusion I have a broken motor. The device runs on a Etonm Motor ET-DCM3657SA. After a long search I found no motors matching this exact model name. Forgive me but I have no experience with DC motors and need some help with and acceptable quality replacement, if even an option. Id have happily done the work myself but without a spec sheet of the original Etonm motor I wouldn’t even begin to know of a suitable replacement. Specifically with things like matching the RPM range, torque, current, etc.
I am currently waiting on a reply from Kiiroo customer service but I am preparing for worse case of no replacement. I would love to avoid trial and error if they don’t replace it.
Any help would be appreciated.