Howdy, folks! My name’s ComradeOohAah and I’m an aspiring lewd VR dev. In the process of working on a VR Quest Audio Visualizer experience that will use some of those inexpensive sex toys they’ve got on AliExpress, it occurred to me that an easy enough thing to do would be to release my existing code as an android media player that adapts funscripts to those LoveSpouse toys. So that’s what I’m doing!
BuzzyBody is a video/audio player, compatible with LoveSpouse toys, that allows you to use funscripts or FFT with your media on android mobile devices. It is in very early development, and probably has some bugs, but it is functional.
Future releases will include playlist abilities, more supported toys as I can afford them, DLNA support if I can ever get it working, support as a device (i think) and a VR version that I intend to try and support the bHaptics TactGlove with. I have a very promising idea for touching video! We’ll see if today’s mobile headsets can handle the load.
I’m hoping to turn this Lewd VR thing into a full time adventure. So, if it sounds like something you’d like to support and/or follow along with, I’m starting a Patreon. In addition to the VR media player and music visualizer, I’ve also got a Handy based VR milking dungeon experience that’s pretty far along, and a whole list of other ideas that blend haptics and VR in order to try and really push and explore the levels of immersion through sex.
Thanks for reading!
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I tested your app with a samsung tablet. I cant change to the video directory on the tablet.
No way to the files. All funscripts and videos are on the external sd card.
Oh, hey, thanks for trying it! I’ve only been able to test it on Samsung Galaxy S20 so far.
When you click on ‘Local File System’ what sort of options does it give you? If there’s a Fixed Drive, that tends to be the sdcard while External Storage Path is the android shortcuts to media that doesn’t always work.
Also, do you know the model of the tablet and what android version it’s running? Android changed up their permission system on me since I last worked with it so I may not have made it backwards compatible enough.
Hi, thx for the fast Response. Its a SM T590 with Android10.
If i click one Local File Systems:
External Storage
If i click one this button, a empty Screen appears and nothing happend
Welcome, I’m productively procrastinating today. lol.
Hmm, yeah Android 10 is around where they started transitioning to the newer permissions, so I think how I’m doing it should work. Did Android ask you to grant Read and Write Permissions?
There should have been a window like this:
and then clicking accept would give you something like this:
which needs Allow to work.
Also any chance you know the file path of the sdcard?
I See both Windows and all permissins are granted.
But no choice to change the path to my Video directory.
Got it. Bare with me. It may take a little while. After hours of troubleshooting bluescreens I found out that you can’t emulate android 10 arm on windows so I’ll have to figure something else out. Fair warning though, the more I read, the more I worry it’s just not gonna work on Android 10. They made a bunch of changes around 10 and 11 in regards to how apps access the file system. It took me almost 2 months to get the current version working.
I’ve got a couple more things to try though and will let you know.
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Ok, i’m using a Video File in my device. Its playing so far.
But no funscript Starts, If the Video plays.
How can i connect the video with the funscript File ?
Oh, awesome! How did you do it? Did you put the video in one of the Data Folders?
The funscript file needs to be in the same directory with the same name as the video file but with a .funscript extension instead of .mp4 or .mkv or whatever.
When you hit play, if the file is there, Android should pop up a File browser asking you to give the app permission to access a folder and you’ll have to select the folder the funscript is in. Not ideal, but it’s the only way android lets your apps access files outside its own directory structure now.
If there’s no funscript available, the app fallsback to FFT mode. The active mode’s settings can be accessed from the little EQ looking button.
I am working on something so that the next version will have the built in option of the App’s directory on the file menu. Not as ideal as an sdcard, but it’ll be an available workaround for older versions of android.
Please, do let me know your progress!
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Oh, fu…, sorry. I forget to wrote that i use your app on my PocoX3 for Testing.
lmao. Word. Is that working, hopefully? 
Nope,sorry. Video Starts without funscript 
Both are in the same directory.
Hmm. What version of android is the Poco X3 running? Also, does it pop up a File browser asking you to select a folder? Something like this?
Oh, also, is the toy vibrating to the bass or anything? You should be able to press the EQ looking button and select an active channel for it to vibrate to.
My Poco works with Android13. No Windows appears to select the funscript file.
I create a Directory with both Files.
Hmm. If it’s not popping the permission dialogue, for some reason it’s not seeing the funscript file.
Are you getting a TOAST popup saying “Funscript Not Available” as the video plays?
Best bet in that case is to copy the file name of your video, rename the funscript by pasting that filename and remove file extension (.mkv, .mp4, .avi, etc) and replace it with .funscript (it’s looking for lowercase)
Also, make sure your file explorer is showing file extensions when you do this. You might have an extra file extension on there.
That was the right way. Video and funscript must have the same name.
Now it works.
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Awesome! I’ll let you know when I release my next update so you can try it with Android 10. I can’t guarantee anything, but fingers crossed.