CHP (Cock Hero Platform)

I’m having an issue trying to install this on Android. I downloaded CHI Episodes 1 and 2, and Punishment Packs 1 and 2, and put them in all in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.knytetimegames.chp/dlc but when I try to open CHP I get “Error!!! No DLC content found!” etc

Anyone else run into this issue a have a fix or workaround? I’m running Android 13 for reference

Would it be possible to change the location to look for files? The data folder is read only for most and requires work arounds to be able to create/copy files to it in Android 13

Hello, is this still and ongoing project? I’ve had a blast with what has been released so far and would love to play more episodes! Thanks for making this awesome game!


yeah I was wondering that too, It’s been a while.

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I wanted to send on a massive Well Done and THANK YOU! like i literally signed upto the site to share this message.

I recently bought the handy, huge fan of Cock Hero series and handy seems perfect combination. I was thinking and started looking thinking, by now someone must be thinking of making something like this and making even more of a game of it.

Ohhh boy I came across this thread and super happy! i’m downloading as I type and really cannot wait to get started.

Hoping plenty other CH vids make this platform Inferno Canto series feels an absolute must and super perfect match for the Quest mode - handy scripts already out there and truely hope they would agree let you port to this idea.

I’m going to play this a bit - very inspired to see this progress and would love to be able to help.

Please keep up the amazing work! Also you really should submit this on handyfeeling community showcase! again perfect example of what i hope to see for this toy and creative genius taking things to the next level!


try this link, u can connet ur handy 2 this also, Fap Instructor

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Does CHP work for the Keon now?
I saw a couple replies saying it was being worked on, has there been any update since?
This looks amazing and i want to try it out but dont have a handy.

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Just in case, any one know how to find the pck files for episodes 3,4,5? I find the video but not the games files.

If you have any joy finding I was looking also for any more episodes on this platform - really love the concept

Hello All, first of all I want to thank you all for the kind comments and for the interest in this game! I greatly appreciate it! I wanted to give you all an update on the game as a whole. I’ve ran into a big issue with video playback with the game engine that I use for this. All the videos began chugging and skipping randomly which really destroyed the experience. I upgraded the engine to a newer version and it seems that the video playback issue is gone. But the upgrade to the engine has introduced issues with the code due to changes on how things work. I wanted to also change many things in the game and introduce some new features that hopefully enhance the experience. support is also something that I want to add so that the game can be played with many different devices instead of just The Handy. I haven’t been able to make much progress on this due to huge changes in my life and I haven’t been able to work on this at all. Recently, I am in a much better place and have slowly started to work on this game again. I can’t make any definite dates on when the next update will release but I am working on it. I will complete the Cock Hero Island series and also have quite a few other cock heros and even fap heros that I will try to include. I apologize for the long time with no update. I will try my best to keep you all updated on progress. Thanks for taking the time to read this.



I can not unzip the original link. it says checksum is not correct and file is corrupt.

any help ?


It sounds to me something went wrong with your download. You may have to re-download.

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thanks @knyte21

i am connecting the handy and doing the test, and it does response normally but when i start an episode there is no movement of the handy.

Are you playing in quest mode? There are two modes for every episode, Normal and Quest mode. Only Quest mode will use The Handy, if you are in the right mode a blue box should pop up after you hit start saying “Attempting to connect to Handy” Hope that helps.

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thanks! it did work.

@knyte21 fun. Nice work. i would like to do my own game! it was really interesting.


It’s good to hear from you.
The timing is funny since I started tinkering with creating Sextropolis Episode 2 in Unity. (I know, perfect time to start learning Unity.)
I’m still getting the hang of Unity and C# but I hope to have something available in a few months.
It’s always tricky to put time into things like this since it obviously takes a very low priority when compared to real life.
Can’t wait to see what’s next with this platform.


Good to hear from you too!
I’ve got some ideas on new features and some quality of life changes that I hope will improve the game. Like you said everything is very low priority due to life. But I feel like I’ve made decent progress during the little free time that I’ve had.
That is awesome that your tinkering with Unity and C#! I’m excited to see what you come up with!


So i just found this and wanted to see if this is able to be integrated with the osr

Currently CHP only works with The Handy. I am working on adding support. I do not have an OSR but as long as it works with then it technically should work. I don’t have an exact time frame for the release of the updated version but I will definitely announce it as soon as its up.


Looking forward to it. Thanks for the fast reply.