Cock Hero Platform (CHP) (formerly Cock Hero Island featuring The Handy!)

Looking forward to it. Thanks for the fast reply.

I’ve just ordered my handy and getting ready to try it for first time.
I tried to find CH Island 4, part IV script but I didn’t get it.
Any good fella has it?

I have no way of installing this on my phone (android 14) is there any way to change installation location?

Omg im so thankful I saw this come up in my feed!! I had no idea that a game-style cockhero with integrated Handy compatibility existed! Thank you so much for blessing us with this!! I hope to see more content like this in the future :heart_eyes:

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Hi, I downloaded the windows version and the different episodes + punishment packs and put them in the dlc folder, but when I launch the cock_here program it show the box for 10 sec. and then it just closes down. I am not able to get it to work, so please any idea on what to do?


When you unzip the files for the episodes and punishment packs, have the destination for the unzipped files set to the dlc folder, when I first played this game a long while ago I unzipped them in my downloads and manually dropped them into the dlc folder, and I had the same issue.

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For the purposes of linking to other devices (I only have a modded launch), can you hook into and process this as sending a script the the app? You are already sending all the actions to the handy. In essence it would be sending a script to to process to other devices. Sorry I haven’t really messed with any of these programs to be able to look into it more. Just curious as It would be awesome to try it out.

Thanks for the info. I actually have a working version (still needs a bunch of testing) that uses I’m still working through the new changes to the game. I’m hoping to have something available for everyone soon.


I would love to see either multifunplayer or buttplug implemented.


Hey. I have a problem to make it work. I’m on Android and everything seems to be working fine except I can’t seem to get a connection to the handy. In the settings, the test runs forever and nothing happens. If I input the wrong code then I get an instant Fail message. I’ve watched for special permissions and tried developper mode but nothing seems to work. Anyone got ideas on this ?