Here is my second entry for the event Happy Holidays
Thank you for the entries @quickfix @Frogscript @Teasey.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all! I hope you have a pleasant time and find some respite from the stressful and chaotic world we live in today.
Thank you all for participating in this event and to the whole community giving comments, feedback and using the scripts our awesome creators make. You all are making these events possible. Thank you!
Enjoy your holidays
Merry Christmas and happy holiday!!
This is the final script for the event.
I hope you enjoy it.
Script for a Christmas themed animation. Merry Christmas!
Yes, that is indeed a mistake. Tempextmax is the creator of the OSR6 and SR6. The FUNSR1 / FUNSR1 2.0 is a completely different device made by whole different team. He is no involved in this at all.
Here is the thread for the FUNSR1 2.0 → The SR1 2.0, equipped with a 360° twist module, is now available - General / Sales - EroScripts.
If there is anything wrong regarding the Patreon of Tempestmax, it’s best to DM him directly on Patreon.
Thank you for your entries @syujidougu and @shbek. Merry Christmas to you as well
here is my entry…probably the only one I can get out
Thank you for your entry @EvelynEvil666!
Quick reminder, the event will be up until 31st of December.
i deleted this post as to not impact the notoriety of tempest max. To say this is a completely different device is a stretch tho, as one was based on the other there is no doubt (i had printed the sr1, and used the funsr1 to finish it). There are many aesthetic differences, but from a utility perspective, these are more than similar.
Here is my second entry! Good luck y’all.
My December submission. Thanks for having such cool events! Glad to finally participate!
I decided to write another one. Emilia consistently produces thematic videos, and I am happy to write scripts for them
Got my second entry for the event done. Happy New Year!
[VRHush] Rika Faine - Snaring The Snowbunny (Event: The End Is Nigh 2024)
First entry for convenience:
[POVR] Nicole Doshi - Warm You Up I’m submitting as my first entry for the event.
Thank you for your entry @RedZadow!
The end of the event is nigh, everybody - ony ~1 day left.
Short reminder about the tie break rule, if the first place is a draw:
One last script from me. Have a Happy New Year everyone.
Here is my third and final entry.
New Year’s magic of love or passionate sex with a cute girl in a sexy Christmas costume on a holiday
I hope everyone enjoys and Happy New Year!
Thank you for your entries @boosh29 @Axxoto!
Last day to submit your scripts!
Happy New Year’s Eve everybody
My entry: