Control Virt-A-Mate scene along with stroker (OSR2/SR6/SSR1) using any Ayva Software (remote controlled blowjob demo and stroke pack included)

It is now possible to give someone a remotely controlled virtual blowjob :blush:.

Here are some demos of a new, free software I created called Ayva WebSocket Hub that allows streaming any Ayva Software on the web into VaM while controlling your stroker (OSR2/SR6/SSR1):

Ayva Remote → Virt-A-Mate

Ayva Stroker Lite → Virt-A-Mate

Note: Ayva WebSocket Hub can stream to multiple outputs, including other Ayva WebSocket Hubs! In these examples, I’m running AWH on both my Mac and my PC. There are simpler setups but I did it this way mostly so I can have picture in picture of the Ayva Software on my Mac with Virt-A-Mate on PC.

Here’s the flow:

  • Ayva Remote / Stroker in web browser (Chrome) on Mac .
  • Streaming to an instance of Ayva WebSocket Hub running locally.
  • Streaming over Serial to OSR2.
  • Streaming over Wifi to another instance of Ayva WebSocket Hub running on PC .
  • Which finally streams to Virt-A-Mate through the BusDriver plugin.

Neat. :blush:

An overview and guide of Ayva WebSocket Hub can be found on the new OSR Wiki:

How to recreate the blowjob from Ayva Stroker Lite Demo

For the Ayva Stroker Lite demo, I created some custom strokes using the Stroke Editor. If you’d like the exact ones I used, you can download and import this stroke pack:
awh-demo-strokes.json (5.5 KB)

Here’s a brief description of the behaviors included:

  • awh-demo-long-circle-stroke: Strokes up and down with a variable depth, an out of phase twist, roll, and sway; while pitched back a little.
  • awh-demo-long-stroke: Strokes up and down with a variable depth, some out of phase surge and pitch, with some eccentricity on each axis.
  • awh-demo-short-stroke: Strokes the top with a consistent depth but varies how high up it goes. With some variable out of phase pitch.
  • awh-demo-orgasm: Custom orgasm script I created and shared in another post, tweaked to set the stroke to the awh-demo-long-circle-stroke from above with a max bpm of 140.

Here is a screenshot of the app parameters I used for the randomization:

At the beginning I started with the BPM range lower than this. You can see me raise it up to 132 partway through the video.

As always, I really appreciate your support of my work.

Happy Stroking! :heart:


Hello, where can i buy this? It’s amazing!

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It’s available to subscribers to my Patreon :smiling_face:.

And you can get all the info on how to use it here:

Have fun!

thx and for the stroker?

You can build your own using instructions by the creator TempestMAx. Or there is an online shop that builds them.

thanks you very much!

Can we use the funscript on it?

yes you can. i’d suggest browsing the community. there’s lots of ways to use it including the ones I shared in my original post.

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it’s an engineering marvel! I’d like to have one and test it lol I will wait a little for the sub, i must buy my 3d printer first :smiley:

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the noise its making, can wake up the neighbors :weary:

Making it quieter is something that is being worked on in the stroker community. And the SSR1 (Silent Stroker Robot, 1-axis) that also works for this is much quieter. Eventually we’ll have an SSR2+, etc.

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Does this work with the Handy?

No. I currently don’t write any software for The Handy.

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Change that to “not yet”. I’ve decided I’m going to start trying to make my software work for The Handy and other strokers in the near future. :blush:


It would be great if you manage to get this working for The Handy too! Seems like a great bit of programming and I would love to try it.

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I’ve also managed to get this working with restim… which turns the tcode into stim (sounds) signals in real-time… I use a £10 DIY stereostim box… cheap, incredibly effective and silent. Niceguy,

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