Curious about speeds for Handy

Hey, all,
I guess I should have asked this some time ago. I am curious about the max and min speeds of the Handy? I am sure it has been discussed before and it described on Handy website, but I am still unsure.
So, what max speed can the Handy handle? I had been limiting a max speed regardless of point height to around 509 mm/s. But I feel like I might be short-changing it.
And how long of a slow stroke can it handle? I usually drop a midpoint wherever it needs if a long stroke is more than 1068 mm/s.
Any help or advice would be appreciated. It could change a lot with my approach to scripting. It could lengthen strokes for fast strokes. I don’t think it would do much for the longer, slower strokes except maybe take out some points.

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Well, from what I’ve made, I think 500mm/s is the limit at a short interval (33ms, 40ms).
Other than that, it was possible up to 700 mm/s, but less than 600 mm/s was stable.

Thanks for the response. Ya. The short ones I keep around that. I just didn’t know. Really, I think I won’t go above 600 for any…but I have begun thinking I could jump up from 509 to 573, 594. Don’t know why. Just thought it was possible.

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I believe I read somewhere that the firmware limits the speed to 400mm/s even though the hardware is capable of faster speeds. There is also a more detailed conversation about the Handy’s capabilities in this thread

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Thanks. I think I read the same…but it made no sense. 400 seemed a bit limited. They know more than me, obviously, but I have limited max speeds for a bit to 509 and the Handy seemed more than capable. With the firmware and hardware discrepancies, I think I am just now going at maxing out at 600. I’ll see if it doesn’t work out, then I just go back to limiting to 509.

this was before update 3. something its now 500mm/s and it cant cope with a line longer then 2000ms

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