Custom script

I made a request a little while back on reddit for a custom script to go along with a private custom video I recieved. U/lostbutfound77 responded and once I sent the videos they quickly made the script and it turned out great, it works perfectly with the video I sent. They’re also on discord @Jazzyjas_00#9864

If you’re looking for a custom script for something and the general request threads aren’t working or if you want one made privately consider contacting them.


How much does he charge

Thank you for the Shout out! I am glad you enjoy the script. Feel free to reach out if you have any further needs.

As for price @Hikikomori, it will vary depending on the amount of actions required as well as if I will need to do a Frame by Frame analysis. As a ball park, as little as $5 to no more than $30 I’d say. Again, just depends on the video you’d like a script for.

Feel free to DM.

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