[Dieselmine] 淫魔の館で搾られる game Intergration(for handy update!)


Hello everyone.

This game has a short playtime because the scene room was provided quickly.

However, I thought it would be fun to make this type of game when it is integrated.

Sadly, I have some bad news.
The motion delay is too short to work properly with the handy Bluetooth.
I only have an OSR machine at the moment, so I haven’t done a proper test.
If you are a handy user, please do a proper test in scene room.

Fortunately, I succeeded in finding a workaround for handy users.
The action may be slightly different, but it works.
I’ll explain it down below.

How to use (funscript player)



Open the appsettings.json in the folder and modify it as above.
If you’re an OSR Series user, you’ll remember COMport.

If you try it with handy, you can switch handy to bluetooth mode and run the exe file.

Run the exe file in the folder FunscriptPlayer 1.4.2 in the folder
OSR devices are connected even if DIVICE doesn’t show them.

I set the filler so that the device moves even when not in contact with girls.

The filler can be controlled by the following five keys
Q: Height +10 (max 110)
W: Height -10 (min 10)
E: Speed +10 (max 10)
R: speed -10 (min 10)
F : filler on/off toggle

How to use (edi player)


Enter the edi folder in your game folder and run edi.exe

As you can see, you can enter the key or port of your device and press reconnect.
The handy shouldn’t have any problems when connected to wifi.
And the filler control has changed a bit.

Q: filler up(max 60) and mode on
W: filler down (min 20) and mode on
F: filler mode on/off

full game with mod and FunscriptPlayer

full game with mod and EDI Player

Thanks to @to4st for creating FunscriptPlayer.
Thanks to @dimnogro for creating Edi.


Thank you. Would you happen to know if there’s an English version available?


Unfortunately, no.
But there are many translation tools for RPGMZ on the internet, so if someone needs one, someone will make one.


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Wow a script before a translation?! That’s a first! Not that i’m complaining :slight_smile:


The handy with bluetooth does not work well with most of the scripts, most of the piston ones in particular. Is there any way to fix that?

Check for updates.

hello, stay tune for new edi version with best osr compatibility


Is the Edi version working for you guys?

For me, the Edi get a lot of actions and the handy can’t handle it… (it stutters, and stops)

Take a look at the bottom of video (EDI action status):


I have a similar issue. Some actions go through, most don’t. So it’s like every 3rd thrust works.

I think the scripts should be longer and cover much more actions themselves. The only changes in the script happen when the dialog changes there are not so many of them.


Oops, sorry about that.
Do you also get the error when connecting to WIFI?
This was my best…

yep, same issue in both wifi and bluetooth

Nope, I never have errors with my WiFi connection with handy. And the latency is pretty low. It’s almos real time.

I’ve tested the bluetooth version and it works fine.
But I would love to see the detailed versions with EDI

In my video, seems like the filler script is fighting with the reaction actions.
Is it intended to be like that? Shouldn’t the filler stop while the gallery is playing?

You can use the MTool to translate your game. it’s free and pretty easy and fast to translate.


You can search for “translating rpg maker games mtool” on youtube to see some [dated] tutorials, but it’s easy as drag the game.exe inside the mtool window, and follow the “wizard” instructions.


Yes, it’s intended.
In this game, I’m sending requests to the server with every movement of the succubus.

In order for the server to process the requests I’m sending every 0.3-0.6 seconds, it needs to be constantly working in the background.

So I’m handling this by keeping the filler height fixed at 0 while the H scene is playing.

The way Edi works is that it combines all the scripts and shows them to handy as one script file, so I thought it would be fine in wifi mode.

The only thing left to do is to lower the height of the scripts in edi/gallery.


I haven’t been able to analyze the integration in depth yet. However, if you have a single stroke script, EDI itself handles repeating and looping it within the bundle. From the game, you don’t need to send each stroke individually; you just send the first one and let EDI handle the looping. There are some parameters in the config specifically for the bundle and the repetition of these scripts to ensure they loop.

To avoid sending commands to the Handy every second:

  • "MinRepeatDuration": 6000
    Minimum repeat time: The stroke in the script is repeated for at least 6 seconds to avoid sending commands every 0.3 seconds. In this case, the loop command is sent every 6 seconds.
  • "RepeatDuration": 4000
    Additional repeat time: The script continues looping for 4 more seconds after the minimum duration to account for any client-side delay.
  • "SpacerDuration": 3000
    Blank space: A blank space of 3 seconds is added before the next script starts.

I’ve tried this fix but it still doesn’t work well. I’ve tried also changing the repeat to true and changing reaction to gallery in the csv, but it does not really work well. The edi itself just playing one animation without the game runs at a very inconsistent speed for what should be a simple stroke.

I made changes to some files, and the game is now a bit more playable. There are still some cases where the integration alternates between a stroke piston8 and piston9, and in those cases, it still fails. With a bit more work, this could be fixed.

I also changed the EDI configuration so the bundle repeats the script for at least 60 seconds.


Hurray! It worked! I thought installing a translation tool for a game would be much harder. Thanks a lot, man!

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