[Dieselmine] Milking Farm / Succubus Farm - EDI (v1.5)

Does EDI retain your handy key after restart / is it saved in the “EdiConfig.json”?
When you try to connect over wifi, is the gallery loaded into EDI?
If you directly send me the “EDI-Debug.txt” file and I can check the logs if the mod is at least working correctly. Otherwise you can also retry extracting the mod/EDI files into the game folder and launching EDI.exe as admin might help.

I think I’ve got it working now. I had the game hidden in the folder and unhiding it fixed it. Still have some problems with the EDI launcher crashing after my device appears but it doesn’t happen often enough to be an issue.

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The handy works in the first scene, but when playing and getting cought the handy does nothing.

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Handy works when getting caught and in first scene but is buggy, it starts off with 3 stroke pattern but is buggy and then bugs out, and during the second part of getting caught scene the movements are perfectly in sync and onwards.

disable reactions, reset edi and try again



Just wanted to chime in and say I’m really glad you’re putting in all this effort. Keep up the great work!


Been having a bit of trouble with this mod so I turned off reactions. May need to switch to intiface because my router is a bit ways away from the handy. Can we please get some filler settings? I like my filler to be very slow and smooth and the original moves kinda erratic. I may just replace the scripts for myself.

I also use the chinese version, as soon as I replace the plugin.js an error occurs.
Do I somehow miss the files FixFilename and also splash?

Edit: I have not much clue about coding so some additional info:
If I delete the two lines but let the EDIPlayer line in, the game does not load without any error.

Looks like you might have a different version of the chinese game, than what I was provided for testing.
(here is what my chinese application title looks like: image)
You could try using the original plugins.js file of your game and just add the line for the EDIPlayer to it.

I bought the game years ago but actually do not remember where and what edition it was, i still had the game on my backup and was hyped for the integration. I just tried to run the game on my new computer and it even crashes without the EDI integration due to the following:

Do I also miss a language pack or so?

For the CG Scenes is there any Info on which have already Scripts ? I would like to give my 2 cents to it and Script some of the missing Scenes for the Mod :fire:

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Might be a localization issue. If your system language is in German, it could cause problems with the character encoding, as your actual filename probably had Chinese letters which could not be loaded correctly.
If you have the full game as an archive, you can try extracting it with the right encoding, otherwise maybe try chanching your system locale, or use a locale emulator.

I included all scripts that were in this CG-Compilation here.
@99DM is working on scripting the CG-Scenes as well and just recently released his first two scenes.
It might take him a while to work on the rest tho, since he’s also busy with various other projects.Much Work
If you’re interested, it would be awesome to have CG scripts for Mira and the strange alchemy as well, since that’s the only thing missing for a full game integration. :grin:


Then I get to the Bottom for the Scripts of Mira and the strange alchemy ! :wink:
Anyone got the CGI Videos as a download for me ?


I posted all the still CG-Images here. Might do a video compilation as well, since I don’t think there are any good ones out there.
It’s possible to intercept and play a script for each of these images, and it would make sense to have each one as a looping script, since the playback duration will depend on the player.

Edit: Made a Video-Compilation of all the CG-Scenes including the SFX and Dialogue.

A Video Compilation would be amazing. I will try to make a test script for one Scene first and you tell me if that would work then . I want them to kinda match with the Scene if that is possible ( with the dialogue and sfx ).
Edit: I will start working on them in 2- 3 days. I got Family over and cant really work at them now :confused:

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This is amazing, the game sounds amazing.
I think I’m gonna buy it soon.

Tell me, all of the script gallery is ready or do you need more hands to make it ?

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All the animations have been scripted, but quite a few of the CG-Scenes don’t have scripts yet, since only what’s been made here was included.
Same goes for a similar game Mira and the strange alchemy by the same developer, that I plan on releasing an integration for, but it’s only still missing the CG-Scripts as well.
99DM and Zerostress are planning on working on these scripts respectively, but having another pro-scripter’s version would be awesome, especially since it’s easy to select various script-versions with the EDI program. :star_struck:

I agree the more the better. We still need to test then on how the Scripts work the best on the Cg scenes and find the right way to script them. If You want we could work on them together :slight_smile: ( The ones for Mira and the Strange Alchemy)

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Do you want to come on PM to show me what do you need? I’m really excited about it.

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