[Dieselmine] Mira and the Mysteries of Alchemy (Game Integration) - EDI

Has anyone figured how to fix the bridge to get into the plains to get the item? I’ve foolishly skipped most of the dialog and now am very lost.

You need to craft “Alchemic Wood Slabs” at the cauldron in Mira’s home.
You unlock the recipe by doing Grana’s main story quests.


Since the version of this game on dlsite is 1.03, I was unable to run this MOD. Also, does this MOD support the Japanese version?

Thanks for the feedback.
Looks like the DL-Site version doesn’t use some of the plugins as the others.
I’ve added a mod variant that should support it now.

Luckely, it seems the Japanese version mostly uses the same file names.
So it should work with the new “DL-Site” Mod version as well.

Thank you it works great! These kind of mods makes playing games like this much more pleasant.


fillers are enabled and I have the extra.funscript within the folder but it wont stop playing the last encounter sequence. Do i miss something?

I had a similar experience. Otherwise great mod and game!

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Would someone be kind enough to say if Mod works with the latest DLsite version? Not working for me ><;

Edit- I see that a version for Dlsite has been added to the download. Can’t wait to check it out!

Should work. Make sure you’re using the “[DL-Site]” Mod version.

This may be not so related with this game but I’m having an issue with the Edi Launcher in general, where I can’t connect to my handy for some reason in Bluetooth mode. It just won’t show up sadly.

I’ve tried connecting with the interface desktop server running, and I have .NET 5,6,7,8 SDKs.

I’m really not sure what else I’m missing unfortunately. I’d really love to get this working!

适用于中文语言Steam版本 + 中文语言去马赛克补丁 + Edi1.3 DLsite版本mod,此修复解决了游戏中炼金合成栏目为空的问题。

Suitable for the Chinese language Steam version + Chinese language uncensored patch + Edi1.3 DLsite version mod, this fix resolves the issue where the alchemy synthesis tab in the game is empty.
Additionally, this fix also includes a prompt to automatically start edi.exe. If you do not need this feature, you can simply delete the www\js\plugins\Ediexestart.js file.


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Do you mean find the other ingredients? Because I found 2 of them and all I got from the cauldron was a woodchip that I can’t even use yet, and the only things I can ask Grana is where to find the ingredients, not how to get to them

First of all thanks so much for this mod! Really enjoying it. Sometimes my handy takes very long to connect to edi for some reason. But I was wondering how I would go about changing the filler scripts? They are too intense for me. I see there is a definitions file, and I see the Extra.funscript file. I don’t know how to go about changing them. The main problem is when it gets stuck on filler 4. It is often more intense than the action scripts. I prefer very chill filler when gaming.

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The easiest way would be to just adjust the current filler-scripts in the “extra.funscript”.
Just keep them at the same length, and there’s no need to change anything in the definitions file.

Having a problem where after the first escape attempt (fail), the script stops playing for the encounter and plays the filler. Have to escape and restart the capture seen for the correct script to play again.
Any help be appreciated.

Does anybody have a 100% save for this game?

Is there any patches to get the uncensored and/or English translation on the Dlsite version? I didn’t realize the difference when I bought it as I prefer going through Dlsite rather then steam.

Doesnt the bottom of this post have the uncensored patch? And you could probably find the translation files if you download the game from f95zone and only copy the translation files.

Yes but similar to dieselmine’s Mage Kanade’s Futanari Dungeon Quest the uncensored patch only seems to apply to the steam game version. Ill look in f95 for translation; that will likely work.