Discussing Possible New Rules for the #Free-Scripts Category

As a consumer I think it’s ok to keep it as it is. As other consumers have mentioned. If I’m looking for free scripts, disregarding maybe having to signup or use another site to download I honestly don’t see an issue. I’m pretty sure a lot of ppl here have throwaway emails for things like this(NGL I do get annoyed a bit when I can’t just download the free script direct from the post but it doesn’t happen often for me to really care THAT much). Moving these “free” links to paid will , I feel, hurt the scripters that are trying to build a following if they choose to use say gumroad but still provide free scripts.

I don’t see it as misleading in its current form, in the proposed change I feel it leans more into being misleading and now , again as a consumer, I will have to go to paid scripts .which I only do because a few ppl I’ve subscribed to but most of my consumption is from free scripts. Why add the extra “ok is it really free or paid” , the categories and ruling in its current form seem to be working imo


I think adding a tag like “Free - 3rd party” would suffice.

Then again, I’m low maintenance, if I see a free script requires an action I don’t feel like doing, I’ll just close the tab and move on.


While I think it’s fair when scripters force users to visit their patreon or gumroad page, I don’t think they get much out of it. For the user it’s a major inconvenience and personally, it reduces the chance I’ll support the creator.

By the way, Gumroad doesn’t validate the email prompt, whatsoever. Hosting scripts there seems rather pointless. Scripters might be better off with a link to their patreon. I’m much more likely to support someone willingly than to be bullied into it.


As someone who only consumes and does not contribute scripts(but maybe some help here and there like a video link or whatnot) my 2 cents is that there should be a clear distinction between a free script that is hosted on ES and one that requires a user to leave this site and go to another(gumroad, payhip, patreon, so on and so forth). For me personally I don’t mind going to these other sites for free or paid content alike, but everyone is not me and I can see how it would be off-putting to see a free script, think you’ll just download it and be on your way and then realize you have to go to another site and sign up or something like that and be turned off from the endeavor as a whole.

TL;DR I support a classification of different types of “Free” Scripts


Honestly is annoying when someone linked their patreon or fantia for the script and it’s been since taken down when it takes no effort whatsoever to just upload it here.

I feel like linking your own patreon/gumroad/fantia version of the file is fine and dandy but you HAVE to have included a direct download in the thread too.

If you were gonna provide it for free I really don’t see the issue doing this.

Well, I see one issue with the rule. Free scripts might get swept to the paid section (which I don’t browser nearly as much) even though it’s actually free, just tedious to get.


Dunno if just me (or what I said in the second to last paragraph below) but I personally find it weird of saying the script is free but not attaching it to the topic because it gets people to go onto another site where I would go regardless to support the script maker. It feels unnecessary and in a way strong arming me to “come look at this page of mine” when it’s already in the topic’s content.

This increases so when the site I’m directed to says: “ye, this is free…but only once you do this one little thing for me…” Now this is providing I even understand what it’s saying as the few times I’ve been directed to Fantia, I’ve just ended up confused and leave.

I didn’t know till recently from someone else telling me “Oh Gumroad? I just put in gibberish” as I thought you had to put in an legitimate email address which is where the script gets sent to. So how is someone whom doesn’t know meant to know since it isn’t explain?

With Patreon, if my account was ever banned I’d be unable to get scripts that require me to sign up. Regardless though, when you become a member you tell that creator “oh hey I’m such and such” since it automatically hands over your email address and name even if you stop being a member right away since at that point in time you want to try before you buy. Well if that creator is someone who’s collecting email address and names to later on send spam to…tough luck if you used your real email.

Maybe this is due to me having seen too much of the bad gaming times of where a ton of games with good hype and done up marketing release to be complete dumpster fires or micro-transactions hellscapes in addition to the kickstarter ‘promising the world, then run away with the cash’ stuff and more recently "oh it's just a beta/early access/alpha don't worry the final product will be as promised and out in a year, keep buying the game to support us though...." For one year later radio silence that becomes eternal and no updates were given after the first few early bug-fixes. I want things to be as they say they are, in the place I expect them to be.

Free samples at fairs/events/festivals let you walk up take the sample and walk away, not told to fill out a survey or provide this and that before you get it or in return for it. When you come back and purchase the actual product afterwards though then that may happen but still not required if it’s not part of you purchasing.

EDIT: Forgot completely about the question of “What happens when the site bans the scripter off their site and vanish off the internet?” that @VeiledPrivateer has brought up. As well then aren’t you forced to hope that someone that checks the topic still has it saved away? The bans are happening as we’ve seen for years of Patreon constantly throwing adult creators off their site and Gumroad now starting to do so recently…Fanitia also started blocking IP’s, so saying “It won’t happen” isn’t valid, since it has happened and proved it’s a matter of time so it seems.


As a Consumer I’m not really going to forgo a script that peaks my interest because it is hosted elsewhere and take a few more steps to obtain. Sure it’s more tedious, but that tediousness does not outweigh the benefit of a free script.

My browsing experience would absolutely be destroyed if these were considered paid scripts. I don’t look in the paid script category often and I let those scripts pile up prior to even thinking about spending money and then I select the ones I am willing to pay for. This forum is also superior to every 3rd party site I have seen when it comes to providing a preview.

Another category is an option…but it seems kind of over the top when there really isn’t an issue; And if we can force scripters to post in a new category we could also just force them to provide the DL for the script here. You’d probably have the same amount of scripters opt out in both scenarios.

If I do go through the effort to download a script from a 3rd party site I never look at the rest of the content provided. I use EroScripts for all of my browsing needs. If it’s listed in paid scripts here and/or I like your free script I will go to your profile on here and check out your other content. This is the central HUB.

As a scripter I try to make it as easy as possible to get a feel for the content I am offering. I want people to have access to my scripts and be able to know what they’re getting as quick as possible. I do not see any reason why we must allow the posting of scripts on a 3rd party host unless it explicitly in addition to being posted here.

TL;DR - Just force scripters to post the DL link on their post.


All free scripts should be required to be uploaded to the thread no matter the situation, and the video link be provided to a non-supporter website (patreon, gumroad, fantia, or similar).

Those who want to also provide their patreon, gumroad, fantia, or similar are free to at the end of their post. People who wish to support you or find your other paid scripts will do so on their own accord if they like your scripts. Adding more information into this section about what you script will have more people support you

Free Scripts MUST be required to be uploaded to the thread, Paid Scripts MUST be paid (typically on an external site). Those who wish to put their free scripts behind external “support” sites should not post them into either; The solution might be another category as this is outside the “tagging” feature.


I’ve been following this site as well as its previous form for a few years now.

While I must admit I have been just someone that enjoys free content (like everyone else) and not really provide much. I thought about it ever since I’ve been learning how to script just very skidish of sharing content and kinda wanted to start leaking out the 200+ GB of videos/scripts I’ve hoarded.

I will admit however I am seriously annoyed when things are locked behind other sites. Some people go as far as to come here, post, link their their pateron or w/e… DL the .rar and its a .txt with a link to their mega… Its extra work I never complained about but has been rather annoying as more and more people start posting to their pateron.

I get it, get paid for your work but they are doing it the wrong way. I find it rude that this site was created for what we primarily use it for and other just use it as essentially free space to promote their own space to eventually get people to pay or donate. Its kinda… rude (imo)

By all means have your pateron or gumroad or w/e you want but stop making requirement for us to have to join or sign up for something else, extra. Make it optional or respectfully just dont post it at all.

Even Virt-a-mate has their own hub, you either DL it from their hub or its paid. They dont allow links to other sites to sign up just to DL a scene/look or w/e they have to offer.

Just keep it simple. External links for scripts (non-paid) should only be allowed as an optional thing like how some of my favorite scipters do. If its free, the script should have a (recommended) section where the script is uploaded, otherwise there is no post. If its paid, well that should remain the same however I expect people to lose more then they would expect.


I realized that there is one exception when free scripts should be in paid and that is when you are required to provide valid credit card information (or other valid payment information) to be able to sign up to access the free download.

This is in addition to what I already wrote earlier in


I think this policy would absolutely hurt people who use free scripts as a way to attract people to their paid content. As long as the script actually costs $0, even if you have to use an email (make a dedicated porn email) or sign up, I have no problem with that.

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I think if the script.is marked free, it should be available to download here with no external link. However, in the post, the creators should absolutely be able to plug their patreon or whatever they use. If you like their work you have a way to get more that way. But free should be hosted here


The way I see it, all free scripts should be either uploaded to the forum or linked via free-to-use external storage sites.

I also think it would be useful to have a required tag for non-uploaded scripts (i.e. something like “External Script”). This will let people filter any posts that include any hoops to jump through, if they so choose. There could perhaps be exceptions for unintrusive file hosting sites which don’t make it difficult to download a file (i.e. paid account required, delay before downloading, ad block detection, etc.). If you can’t get the file with two clicks (one for the link, one for the download), then it should get a tag.


@Falafel Most people don’t want free scripts to be in paid scripts even if it requires a signup with patreon, gumroad, fantia, or similar as they are not paid.

They are neither a free script or paid script, a new category “Free Scripts - Other”, “Free Scripts - Signup” or “Free Scripts - Paywall” might be required, as these scripts are hidden behind a (free) paywall.


Let the users decide themselves. If they see a free script is behind a patreon wall or gumroad wall or whatever wall, the users will decide themselves if they want to get the script or not. Forcing a rule doesn’t make it better and you will probably have some mad scripters.

What would be good is to have it somehow hinted in the title or tags that the script is on an external source.

I am not a big fan of forcing rules to something that doesn’t need regulation. We already have that in real life. Let’s try to keep this place as a open minded as possible, without having a rule for everything. Otherwise this place becomes real life 2.0 and I don’t think we want that. We can agree on guidelines together, but shouldn’t force any unnecessary rule just to have a rule.

Same goes for the “preview scripts”, where scripters put a a half script in, but the rest is paid. Is that a bad practice and may exploit people? Yes, of course. But people will decide themselves if they want that or not, if they are ok with that or not. Should we be ban that practice? No, I don’t think we should. Should we have something like “SCRIPT PREVIEW” in the title? Yes, I think so. This should be the guideline. Preview scripts should have a “preview” tag and “script preview” in the title. Scripts that have an external source should have “external” as a tag - I think this should be enough.

People can decide themselves, they don’t “protection”. We are in the internet, we have some kind of anarchy here and we agree to some necessary rules and we accept guidelines. Scummy and annoying practices will get punished by the users. They will neither download the script or pay for it. If they still decide to do it, ok.


This is an issue where I’m happy if I know a link is going to require a login to access content on the page.

That’s all I need, being able to tell at a glance that it does.

If I’m interested enough in something, I’ll bother with it. I know the trade off.

I’d just like to know before I’m multiple clicks and page loads in.

You do learn eventually that some sites require it, but there are so many links to so many different places here it comes up often enough to be a bother.


I mean they could just not request an account sign up for their scripts. That would be free. Time is money. Privacy is an issue as well.


I support this 100%.

This site offers the easiest way to download a script.

There is a specific category for that so those shall not be in free script section.

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That still doesn’t really deal with the issue where a scripter uploads a partial script for free and the full script is paid. Those should go into the paid scripts anyway?

Or the issue when a scripter uploads the scripts but their own video is behind a paywall to the free scripts.