Discussing Possible New Rules for the #Free-Scripts Category

Sounds good, just apply “external download” tags automatically. That way, scripters can publish however they like and consumers have the tools to filter such releases out if they wish to.


Maybe in addition to paid and free, there’s a “Free (externally hosted)” category?

I’ve bought other stuff where the fulfillment was via Gumroad, and it’s a pain to use, and I’m never certain if what I paid for is accessible if Gumroad decides to sever the relationship.

It’s so easy to upload a text /funscript file here. Having to jump through hoops to get a huge video file is one thing, but chasing down a .funscript file is usually more grief than I want to go through.

I get the benefit of seeing someone else’s paid work, though scrolling through blurred out screens because my Patreon level isn’t high enough isn’t very helpful.

Maybe just use a signature that links to a Paid-Script post where they’re curated and I can see samples and heatmaps?

Couple thoughts, overall agreeing though.

  • Captchas/paid ad sites and bit.ly’s etc, stuff that gives a creator profit : annoying and while the script might be free, the time spent going through multiple steps, isn’t.
  • Sites where you need to sign up - troublesome but honestly not a huge deal if people generally are suing the same sites. Its when someone brings out some SUPER NICHE site that ive never seen before. Thats when it becomes a bit of a nuisance to go through.

I over all agree that free shouldnt have you jumping through hoops just to get to the script. Theres a function on this site that allows users to add the script to their post. I cant find a reason it shouldnt be there. The only cause i can see for this is if they want to promote another social media site or page of theirs where they sell things. In that case, just link your socials or a linktree.

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When my Gumroad account got suspended they assured me that people won’t lose access to their previously purchased material, that stays in their libraries. It’s only the seller than can’t keep selling said material moving forward.

Now, that’s what they told me a weeks ago, but the fact that they banned NSFW content shows how they can change policies and flip the switch in a hearbeat.

Still, funscripts are so light that I wouldn’t keep them in your Gumroad library, it’s best to create an email or Google Drive and store them there. You’ll never fill one of those just on funscripts.


Good change. Most consumers feel the tactics some posters use are dishonest and stretch the term free past it’s limits.

In short, some people are abusing the free script category in a lazy attempt to drive traffic to their third party page.


I specifically like the ability to not have an extra account for anything related to lewd content. I have one burner email for this site and do not want to set up any more accounts or link my personal patreon to content. I like that people make and share this content but it should at least be able to be filtered out. I think the same should be done for free scripts with paid videos. Maybe they don’t need to be moved out of free but they should be required to have labels that can be filtered out.

Personally I feel that if the price of the script is 0 dollars or any currency then it is free. I do not mind joining anything for free for the script. I feel like it’s fine to advertise your stuff and give away a script or 2 to get people to your patreons or whatever you use for your paid content. Now with that said the things I do not like are when scripters give a free ‘preview’ of a script and put that in free and charge for the ‘full’ script. in my opinion that is not free. I havent seen this happen in quite some time tho, just saying.

I didn’t read the whole thread so if this a repeat I will say the better solution might be a “sponsored script”, “paid video”, “sponsored video” set of tags that would allow everyone to know what they are getting in the post, and the more savvy can filter if it’s a big pet peeve.


This is pretty much exactly what I came here to say.

I have no problems with people making money making scripts. But I definitely don’t care for going to GumRoad or Patreon to download a free script when EroScripts already has the functionality built in to host the files.

But by all means, promote your paid scripts. Just please do it in the paid script area.

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This is one thing that I fully support as well.

Make a category for it unless there is enough flexibility for there to be more tags for a post.

I thought I saw somewhere that posts have a limit of six tags and adding more “mandatory” tags will eventually make it impossible to find specific subjects.

(Consumer opinion)

After reading most of the other comments, I’d say this would be best listed as a ‘Best Practice’ rather than a hard rule (with the mentioned exception that anything that requires financial info/credit card etc should be considered paid). Maybe have a tag for it if needed and people do actually get bothered.

As most have said, if I’m interested in a script a couple extra clicks won’t stop me, though not having to do so definitely is better. If having it hosted elsewhere is better for the scripted in a significant way (financial or logistical), I’ve got no issue with it.

Honestly if a script listing had a link that said ‘if you click this link it helps me out’ that was unrelated to the script I’d click on that ( I have robust ad/script blockers) as I like to support the generous work of the people who past free scripts here if I can. (no idea if there’s links that do that anymore so I usually just try and spread some donations around)

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As a user (not a contributor), I tend to apply the same rule I apply to the rest of the internet.

Any time I get a link to some “free content” and I see “register to access this”, I simply close the tab. In fact, if there was a way to add a warn-list to my navigator, so that links to those sites show up highlighted so I know not even to click them, I’d be happy.

And I’ve gotten annoyed at the rise of posts that purport to be free but don’t include the no-free-links tag or posts that send you to sites where you must “spend” $0 to “buy” stuff. I apologize to content creators, but if it works for you, it doesn’t for me. I just sigh and close the tab I shouldn’t have opened.

That’s my 0 cents.

(note that I’ve subscribed on patreon to a script creator, but not because he posted free content that required you to check on his patreon. He posted content that was free, and content that was paid, and that’s all)


Yeah, gotta say this potential rule just means that I will find less funscripts to download. There are a few creators I’m subbed to who make funscripts, but for everyone else, I’m pretty much always looking in the free-scripts category. I think everything except for requiring mandatory ad watching(redirect) and literally REQUIRING a credit card should be considered free.

If I have to sign up for an account to get a script, how is that “paid” now? my bank account still has the same amount of dollars it previously did. I get that people don’t like subscribing to fantia or patreon free tiers but it’s only a thing you have to do once: once it’s done, you’re good to go. I MUCH prefer that over gumroad, where I have to enter my email every single time I visit.

Agree with other posters here: care more about scripters(which are in far shorter supply) than users. AKA something that doesn’t require cash should remain in the “free” category for discoverability. There are so many great scripts(especially anime/hentat/vtubers) that I would never have found if this rule had already been implemented, and I think that’d be a shame.


How I personally see it.

If it only requires login to aquire and no monetary transaction is made, then its fine to label it as free.

Though where I personally see it as gray are moreso is when a script is free but the accompanying video must manually be acquired. To me, that’s arguably more gray area than just having a login.


As a free script creator who has posted every script here within my posts/topics I’d like them to be posted here within the topics. I have found a few that are hosted elsewhere and the links are dead making those posts/topics worthless.

It’s hard enough when a video is unavailable and we have to source a new one but for the script to disappear is worse.


I can say that if it’s linked elsewhere, I just will go without. Not worth the time or hassle to go to other platforms. Most of the scripts are not worth a dime anyway, nevermind extra steps.

This is a hobby, and shouldn’t ever be more than that.

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This. My feelings exactly.

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This rule should also apply for “No Free Link” posts. Yeah the script is free but what’s the point if the video is not


yeah i always hate that cuz if the script isn’t free i can make my own. but if the video isn’t free. whats the point


I don’t agree at all. When I post a free script, I use the no-free-link tag because I’m giving it to people to use it with a legally acquired video through a legal membership. I’m not going to provide a free script if people are going to share copyrighted material to use it. And although I bet they do it anyways, I think I have every right not to tolerate it in my own thread.