DIY Handy Hands Free ideas?

I want to try this in the next days:

It’s a bracket for a VESA mount designed by @Thanny



I found two threads on the official reddit regarding a hand free-setup.

The manufacturers also want to provide a hand free-solution. But they said it’s something for the future and it’s currently not their priority.


I have the same setup. To make it sturdy I attached a phone clip holder to sit at the bottom of the handy. Works surprisingly good.IMG_0289.HEIC


What you want is a 71mm camera collar mount, wrap a couple pieces of tap around the top of the handy to create texture, then clamp around the tape.

Then connect it to a camera clamp mount.

Here are some examples.

71mm Collar Mount.

Camera Clamp Mount

I have mine mounted backwards so the strap is facing me, with the buttons on the handy facing away from me.


That’s a pretty good idea for a desk mount. How sturdy is it? Does it shake the table a lot? lol

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I have another one for you. It can be very stable depending on the wood you have :slightly_smiling_face:
Description on Milovana


2x pipe bracket for diameter = 69mm
2x screw that fits the pipe bracket to mount it to the plank
2x metal bracket ~50mm with 10mm hole for the screw
1x plank (example: 22 x 72 x 500mm)


Do you have a picture? As that can help a ton with re-creating it all. Also as Satmeo said with the sturdyness I am wondering about how well it holds it due to it being held at one point.

PS I am liking a lot of how this thread is turning out as there’s a lot more ways in dealing with the issue than I thought, nice work everyone! :clap:t2:

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Thought I would add mine to the list here! I’m very un-handy so rather than anything fancy with brackets or mounts, it’s literally just a few pieces of wood glued together. I clamp it to my desk using an F-clamp when in use.


And in case anyone wants to try building it, here’s some instructions - you just need some bits of plywood, a wood block, two screws and some wood glue!



Great suggestion. Mine was stable vertically but not horizontally. So I attached an IK ipad clip, and now it’s really solid :slight_smile:

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Another idea I tried today for handsfree action in bed :slight_smile: I used digital piano stand, removing the legs and attaching the handy using a belt. It works really well!



Nice idea, shame I don’t own a piano :laughing:

Actually I have an Ikea tray table thing, wonder if I can work out some way to mount it to that :thinking:


I’m working on a 3D-printable general-purpose Handy mounting device. Kind of like a universal adapter for the Handy. My thinking is that if I make it available on Shapeways or something, anyone could order one and then use the screw-holes to mount the Handy to whatever they want!


I like how you think. Keep us posted!

Doesn’t the belt stop the strokes going below about 40%?

No, the belt is on 5cm area where there is no gap.

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I kind of already did that, though it’s quite possible what you’re working on will be better. Mine is a clamp that holds the Handy with the help of some friction material between the two. I use some neoprene rubber pieces. One could probably also use some big rubber band pieces. The base is a standard VESA mount.

The STL’s can be downloaded here.

Here are what the parts look like:

And here’s a quick and dirty picture of it attached to the Handy:

I’ve thought about extending the size of the clamps downward and adding a floor for the Handy to rest on, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.


Great idea! what brand is this stand from? I can only seem to find the standard piano stands from a quick google search.

It’s off a Korg SV1.

I see - appears to be very well suited for the task, sturdy and not too high. You a lucky you had one around.

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Ah yeah I do remember seeing that. A big part of my design intention is to have it totally self-contained and quick-release, so aside from the actual mounting hardware to attach it to whatever, it’s 100% 3D printed parts. The design right now looks kind of like this, although I’ve made some improvements since making this screenshot.