DIY Venus2000 for use with scripts

I’m working on designing one right now. Was originally trying to use a fysetch s6 v2 board, but I couldn’t get my custom firmawre to upload. I’m just gonna turn that one into a giant 3d printer.

So instead I’ve switched to just an esp32, an lcd touch screen, a stepper motor driver, a rack and pinion, a few bearings, a “plunger”, a wide diameter pvc pipe, some o rings, and some 3d printed caps/covers. Then you just connect all the connections, upload the firmware, connect a tube to a chamber (and you can actually print these too but would not recommend), and youre good to go.

Also final product should cost like $100 tops assuming you don’t already own most of the parts.

Still working on it, but the code for the esp should allow compatability with haptics connect, feel connect, and cross talk with stuffs when I get done with it.

Intend to post a how to and all the files ince I know it’s working to my standards.


Hi. Would you mind providing more details on controlling that pulsator?