Download onlyfans videos for Brittany Elizabeth

Hi all,does anyone know any sites u can use to download onlyfans videos that actually work?!?!I’ve tried 4 different sites and downloaded 2 lots of software and nothing works!I really want to script some of Brittany Elizabeths onlyfans videos,I’ve subscribed to her onlyfans but can’t figure out how to get the videos

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Can’t tell you any sites that work, but there are scraping tools available online on GitHub, for example.
Don’t know if I’m allowed to link that here, so I’m going to leave it at that.

If those don’t work, you probably want to download a video with DRM protection on it.
The DRM protection can be decrypted manually using python, but it is a lot of work.

Just be careful with your data and don’t use sites or scarping tools that u don’t trust.
IIRC normally, when u want to scrape OnlyFans you’ll need certain data from the site’s API like ‘‘user-agent’’ ‘‘user-id’’ and also your session ID I think.

If you want to get more into detail, I’m probably the wrong person to talk to on that, but I hope I could help you out at least a little bit.

Again, just be careful with your data!

Enjoy mate :smiley:

I DM’d some links to you @mando1984

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