i’m thinking about buying a Coyote 3.0 E-Stim Box.
I already have a cheap estim Set but this can only do some Kind of frizzeling in the Feeling? so it feels more Like Vibration some Kind of. I would more Like a pulsative tease so that my dick is pulsating without doing it by myself. i Hope you understand what i mean.
So the question is, If the Coyote would give me this Kind of Pulsation and how good is it compatible with funscripts. I already have an OSR2+, so this as an addition Sounds nice.
Would be great to hear some Reviews 
For estim funscripts are not realy deemed the standard, they prefer to use audio files as a lot of the better estim devices (and i think the coyote is included here) use the audio channel to be converted into estim.
Also, coyotes are considered decent devices. At least better than mystim cost vs power wise. They arent the strongest (but usualy you would end up with custom builds here). But its more about how you use it. 2 electrodes on the cock itself, or 1 anal and other on cock tip is a huge diffirence in power demand.
If you realy want to go more into estim, i think milovana is a better place to go for to ask for information. They are a lot more estim oriented.
Also, note that 2 electrodes or 3 electrodes can make a huge diffirence in effect. Pulsating of 2 electrodes is just on/off while with 3 they usualy follow each other up giving a more stroke like pulse. Depending on preference this can also matter in how strong it feels.
Not everything is pure force, pure force can just hurt in some cases instead of adding to the sensation.
I have Coyote v3 and it’s great. I have no experience with other power boxes, but I’ve read a lot on this topic and currently Coyote is one of the best for the buck options on the market. Except it I only considering Stimkit Tingler or DIY audio estim.
Usually you don’t use funscripts with estim - you use special audio files. There are a lot of them. Some of them are just audio and some are to use with video files the same way as you use funscripts. Some audio files are for dual channel setup (can be used in one channel setup as well ofc) and some of them are triphase (special config requires triphase cable which you can do yourself or buy).
Also there are special funscripts that you can use with estim, but it’s not the ones for stroker devices such as OSR2. There is a tool, called restim, that can use sets (several) funscripts to play estim and sync with video files. restim usually used in triphase configuration and so requires three electodes.
Have you used your Coyote v3 with Howl? It’s supposed to run funscript files, but my understanding is there’s no way to sync a video file to it.
It’s very common to use funscripts with Estim, usually it’s either a DIY Stereostim (such as Midistim) using Funstim(converts funscripts to a phase shift audio file for a 3 electrode tri-phase configuration) or Restim or FOC-Stim(only supported with Restim using funscripts).
I haven’t heard of any actual good experiences with using funscripts with Coyote v3 and I thought people would be singing the praises of Howl because it sounds super promising, but either people using Coyote v3 aren’t paying attention, or perhaps it’s a swing and a miss? It sucks using funscripts with xtoys because it runs at a super slow communication rate, approx 5 actual changes in intensity per second, even though it’s supposed to be twice that for the v2, but for the v3 the software was never changed to support the faster rate.
No, I’m aware that audio files are superior and just skipped funscripts, except using restim which is nice.
Also, I’m using xtoys 99% of the time, not the coyote app.
I’ve read about Howl, but currently I’m too lazy to try it and I don’t really know why cause file size is not the issue nowadays, so I don’t understand the point.