Easy Device Integration for Games. EDI OSR Multi Axis Added + Fix Https [12/2024]

I am using Windows 10 and have the same problem as you. Hopefully, the next version will fix it.

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Alright, that invalidates my theory that MS changed something in Win 11 that breaks it.
The most recent change in EDI was adding a HTTPS connection at port 5001, the version before this addition worked fine for me (but had the FunSR1 in an endless init loop). So I think an option to stop EDI from trying to open that extra HTTPS connection could be a possible solution.

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To update Edi
Due to significant changes, all files must be downloaded again from mega folder and replace it on the existing integration, except for the EdiConfig.json(do not replace it) .


The new version still can’t interact with the game, but it can open a 5000 port connection.

can you use edi swagger interfece from chrome?

I carefully tested several other games and found that edi was able to connect and interact successfully. Except for one game, I looked at the EDI-Debug.txt and found a log inside.

[22/12/2024 11:35:30.790] Mod loaded successfully
[22/12/2024 11:36:01.366] k04_kijoui_ani: K001
[22/12/2024 11:36:01.435] [EDIPlayer.makeRequest] URL: http://localhost:5000/Edi/Play/K001?seek=0

[22/12/2024 11:36:01.436] Request Method: POST
Request Headers: {“accept”:“/”}
[22/12/2024 11:36:01.437] Response Status: 502 Bad Gateway
Response Headers: “Proxy-Connection: keep-alive\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout=4\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n”

[22/12/2024 11:36:01.439] Failed: 502 Bad Gateway EDI-Server not reachable

Excellent, this fixes the connection issue for me as well.
Didn’t even have to switch to my admin account and no Firewall popups, it just works as it did before the previous release :smiling_face:
Thank you for this update and Xmas present :christmas_tree:

@dimnogro could you please answer if this is now possible (even via hacks) and if it is planned in further future (e.g. 2028)

Was the Definitions.csv file moved outside the Gallery folder? The Definitions_auto is now being generated at the root directory

Edit: Nevermind, my config file was setup incorrectly. My gallery path was set to the root directory for some reason.

I am currently trying to integrate EDI in Night of Revenge. Do you have the source code for the Wednesday game as reference? They both use BepInEx and are in a Unity Engine.

ooh, i want that source code too

I have it saved as a private repository on Github. If you can tell me your github username, I can add you as a contributor.

Seeing as I already have yours, @dimnogro, I’ll send you an invite shortly.

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Sure its “N0NameG”. Thx a lot.

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Think I invited the right person. Let me know if you got it.

Yup its me

how do I connect my handy to EDI???

put your handy key in the device key text box

Would it be possible to get an Autoblow to work with a game like Anthro Heat that uses Intiface to control toys in real-time?

Nop. Autoblow only has script upload control

I figured, that’s probably one of the main things holding that toy back. Thanks for the quick answer!