All games works with autoblow if you update to the last version of EDI and put your device key in the device key texbox
I tried that but I don’t see an option for the Autoblow Ai. Can I go somewhere to watch a video or a step by-step?
Wishful thinking, but is it possible to compile this to work on OSX/Mac?
I recently talked to to4st about how to better convert funscript to the algorithm of rotating devices. The algorithm of the latest version of funscriptplayer1.4.2 has been integrated. Is it possible to integrate the corresponding conversion algorithm in the latest version of EDI? Thank you @to4st
Is it possible to make this work with the FunSR1 2.0?
It’s a device similar to OSR2(+) and OSR6, connecting via serial connection and using TCode protocol. But it only has L0 (stroke) and R0 (twist) axes.
I tried with the version currently in the Mega, and I can select the COM port and it detects the device as “tcode_0.3” with the variant “detailed”. It shows up both in the UI and in the API demo webpage when doing the GetDevices GET request.
However, it does not play the patterns from a connected app on the device, instead it seems like it keeps disconnecting and connecting, the device constantly resetting itself. The device works just fine with MultiFunPlayer, so it’s working correctly.
If there is any debug version I can run to provide you with logs I’ll happily supply those logs.
sorry for the inconvenience. I hope to solve this in the new version of EDI, especially the logging part. I am particularly interested in making the funSr devices work.
Great news
Take your time, glad to hear it’s on your to-do list. Thank you for adapting the tool to new toys