EroScripts Slanders

I love you

Oh merde, this is genius

ok that was too good, geezus I get my early copy of Starfield and take a week long break from everything to grind it out to get updated with all that has recently happened :smiling_face_with_tear:

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This made me chuckle :smiley:

Great job… but while I was setting here grabbing scripts and vids to hoard from everyone’s MEGA, without importing, this caused me to spill my beer on my keyboard and then it ran down onto my stim pads and “Wowser”.

the person who has single handedly ended the drama on eroscrips. :smiley:

The niche meme experience is a surreal one.
I appreciate this.

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This is GOLD!!! You forgot to include the Connoisseur :wink:

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anyone else who comes back to eroscript daily just to watch it again? :smiley:


forgot one:
Brand new scripters making uploads to gumroad


Absolutely love it. The Electro-Boom bit made me snort. What a nice community we have here.


I randomly thought about this again and had to go and watch it again. What a masterpiece!