FapTap - Watch Free Interactive Porn in your Browser

I just want to apologize that FaptapAI has been down for a day or two. Someone submitted dozens of 3+ hour videos that led to memory resources running out and thus clogged the queue. Will be fixed within the day and hopefully the queue will trend back towards zero.

I accidently double posted a video on faptap and it wont let me delete my own videos, it says “not authorized”. Is that a bug?

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Please send the URL to the video you want to delete.

Well its gone now maybe it did delete it just took a while


Is there any way you could implement a browser file picker so we can play local videos and scripts together with the website player, without needing to upload videos?

This website is the only one that works flawlessly as a device connector and script player on Android. Other options lag and desync often, or don’t work at all, leaving me to use a cumbersome Windows laptop instead of my wieldable Android phone.


Sure i’ll add that to the possible backlog. No promises though.

Just to clarify: so you literally have the file on your android device? How do you manage this? Is it on a local media server or are you storing 2GB adult videos on your android phone’s SSD? Also, which toy(s) are you using? Thank you!

FYI to all: replies to FaptapAI questions were provided in the FaptapAI thread just now: FaptapAI - New AI-Powered Funscript Generator - #58 by Faptap

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Yes, the videos and scripts are stored locally on the Android device.

I’m using Kiiroo Keon which connects to Faptap via Intiface Central Android app.

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ok I added this to the backlog. We’ll do it. Likely in 2-4 weeks.

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Im not sure if the device is working as intended but upon connecting Joyhubs - Moonhorn device it seems that maybe the suction channel of the device is unresponsive or slim to none response? Is this a error or is working as intended due to limitations.

I don’t know if this has been answered, but some videos are gone but the scripts are still there. Is there a way to get the videos back up and working? Usually the source video is no longer available from it’s original upload location. There is just one video that has completely disappeared from the Internet. :frowning:

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Really looking forward to this Multi-Axis support! Also, MultiFunPlayer integration would be great.

I would like to see this, too!

How can I get to upload my scripts, ive sent an email and still cant access creator mode :frowning:

Hi, Please send me your username

Its the same as here, Aletziel

I enabled the creator role for you.

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Thank you

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Hello everyone,

We are thrilled to announce that now you can use your Autoblow device on FapTap! :tada:

If you have any issue with Autoblow connecting to Faptap, please email us (contact@faptap.net)

Regarding other errors, we are working hard on fixing them and appreciate your patience and being faptap users.

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Is there a a road map available for what project’s/updates Faptap are working on or planning for future release?

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we will announce once it’s up.