FapTap - Watch Free Interactive Porn in your Browser

It seems I was just unlucky in timing when checking then, I usually check every 2 weeks or so if all sources are still available and the timing was just right to hit the last 6hr window. When you’re done with what you mentioned I’d suggest taking a break, productivity falls when one gets overworked + everyone deserves some rest :slight_smile:

Hello everyone.

We’re pleased to share that:

Rule34 is fully operational,
Handy connectivity has been restored, and
SSL errors have been resolved.
Looking ahead, we’ll be migrating to self-hosted videos to enhance site reliability and performance further.

Thank you sincerely for your loyalty and patience as we work to improve your experience continually.


Unable to connect handy. “typeerror: failed to fetch”

Unable to connect handy. “typeerror: failed to fetch”

Handy works fine. Maybe there was an intermittent issue. Thanks for reporting it, but it works fine now.

More updates:

  1. Search is fixed!

Now when you search a major keyword like “asian” you actually get all the videos instead of seeing like 5 of them.

  1. By popular demand, we’re also implementing default filtering. basically, furry and 3d and toon stuff will be hidden by default. However you can just visit the tag page FapTap | The Interactive Porn Experience Currently searching “furry” doesnt work, but within a few days we’ll resolve that so you can search OR visit the tag page. These videos are currently also hidden on the Creator profile pages. That will also be fixed within 2 days or so.

If you think we shouldnt be filtering stuff, I apologize, but this is literally the single most demanded thing our users have ever asked for. Those who don’t share the same taste in videos don’t want to see them at all.

1 Like

This site is several years old, but the basic function of blocking any tag has not yet been implemented.
You should be doing this instead of blocking specific videos

Is there a way you could choose whether to publish a video or keep it private? in you’re my videos section, like if you need to tweak it or find a new link for the video? I also like the handy indicator on the side it helps me notice if some of my points are off in the script

Unable to connect handy. “typeerror: failed to fetch”

I’m getting TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource

I first tried with Handy firmware 3, and upgraded to 4, same error on both but I can connect to handyfeeling

Same here…

Hi there,

Could you please email us and add the screenshot?