Faster, Stronger & Cheaper?! - FUNSR1 Review (Discount Code Included!)

I decided to bite the bullet and bought the lite version using Shbek’s code lol.
Now I just need to figure out how to sell my Handy and Solace without getting scammed lol.

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I guess you can send to product after getting paid?

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Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. I’ll figure something out lol

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Does this device also work with the Xtoys app? Via Bluetooth connection.

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Based on my understanding, XTOY does not support T-CODE. If it supports OSR2, then it will support SR1.

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It does, but not as straight forward. You’ll need to set up a custom Python script running in the background:

I literally covered most of the questions asked here in this post. :melting_face:


Has anyone found a decent mount & arm unit for the SR1? (Cheap ish)

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Any pararrel monitor mount/arm will work most of the time.

Something like this.


I ordered mine thanks to the help of Bek! Appreciated all my questions being answered, one last thing what is the max script size able to load on SR1? I have a few scripts over 4mb aha

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There is no limit on funscript size! :+1:


Perfect! Cant wait feel like a kid waiting for christmas

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My unit ordered the 12th is now shipped. Hope it will have a nice trip and come soon to destination :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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How long is prepearing to ship will take?

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Mine took about a week to ship from time of order and is now on its way to me

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Thanks for answer. Waiting is killing me :slight_smile:

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Can i use lightwaight sleve isntead heavy onahole?

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Of course! You just need to adjust the belt a little and tighten them little more.

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is there instructions somewhere in how to connect the funsr1 to spcriptplayer or other funscript players?

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So, no FUNSR1 this week, my unit seems stuck in arrival customs since 3 days (no change on tracking at least…) :smiling_face_with_tear:

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