Flash Toy Sync - Sync sex toys to flash games

Any updates on launch support dev?

@VladTheImplier to get the JSON data, you have to press the J key, which will copy the JSON data to clipboard. You can then create a new text file with the data and change the file extension to .json. One thing to note is that it creates the JSON data based on your save data, so you have to save before generating it.

@sm0ke I’d love to, I’m just not sure what vibrator to get to test it with, so if you have any you can recommend, please let me know. I’m also not quite sure how to best translate the movements for stroker toys into vibrations for a vibrator. Right now I’m just thinking of having the speed of the vibrator change based on the speed of the strokes.

@virtualfap It should already support the launch, using intiface desktop. You can read some instructions for that here.


I think I messaged you a few months to a year ago on reddit about issues I was having using this tool with Crimson Keep 6. From some of your other replies it sounds like that game probably won’t work with this?

You can use a xbox pad. Btw they are making a vibrator simulator, maybe you can ask in buttplug discord

Thank you very much <3

Its been awhile! I think you’ve gone over this before, but I might as well ask, is there a way to really “force” something to pause? I’ve been messing with some of the “newer” jsk games and they have a set of animations that don’t want to pause, making scripting them pretty difficult.

One way I’ve sort of done it is by holding down the A button and recording, but its inconsistent.

Edit: Nvm, the JSK games have a button that allows you to repeat the cum animations, should make things easier.

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Thanks @notSafeForDev for creating such an awesome application and scripts.

I have created a fork of the repo where i changed the intiface bridge to send vibrate commands. Works great with my wevibe verge. I think it should be possible to send both styles of commands but i dont have a stroking toy to test with.

The repo is here: GitHub - shogunsho2/flash-toy-sync-v3: Flash toy sync is being developed to make existing flash games able to control different kind of sex toys.
And if you trust my build i have uploaded some binaries:


I can’t get either as2 or as3 to actually work. As2 starts loading the script and then freezes and flash gives a message saying that “a script in this movie is causing Adobe flash to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script?”. As3 loads the script and then says “error #2032”. Do you have any idea what might be the problem?


It sort of does that, if you don’t have a device properly connected…

It should be connected though, there should be nothing impeding it on my end. It’s allowed through my firewall so I don’t see what the problem is.

intiface or handy?

I use the handy

I am afraid I only used intiface bridge, even with the handy…

On the Mac version, it seems to stutter and sometimes disconnect to the handy altogether with the error
“Machine timeout”, especially with as3 files, when the pace starts to speed up.

Would anyone have an idea on how to re-compile the tool to be Flash Version 11.8? I’m thinking about working on a game in particular and it requires 11.8 instead of the 11.2 used in the AS3 tool. I’m not sure if the original dev is around anymore. I’ll go through the dev’s documentation in the wiki for any hints.

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I’m trying to use AS2 because majority or the flash I like are on that, but they aren’t working, but AS3 works? Help would be appreciated!

Having some issues with certain hierarchies.
There doesn’t seem to be a good way to go through Z layers. If an object is behind a larger object, I don’t seem able to add trackers to it.

Not sure how complicated adding a depth picker would be. Working around it manually for now.

Also for intiface users, I’ve added a quick modification to implement min/max position.

const position_projection = [0.0, 0.63];


let linearCmdMessage = [
                "LinearCmd": {
                    "Id": messageId,
                    "DeviceIndex": 0,
                    "Vectors": [
                            "Index": 0,
                            "Duration": duration,
                            "Position": position_projection[0] + (nextPosition.position * position_projection[1])

Quick and dirty, should probably be implemented by Intiface Desktop, but it works.
You’ll need to be comfortable running node. I’d submit a PR, but don’t necessarily want all my coworkers seeing the activity! (Github doesn’t allow private forks)

Could somebody try to script Sonic Transformation 2?? I tried, but im just not knowledgeable enough on how to single out animations to do it well.



I am a complete novice to scripting/coding however I recently got back into content here, I wanted to ask if there was a way to re-bind some keys, for instance, i tried to figure out how old swf’s work but gave up but I wanted to know how to rebind a key, honestly just the Space/Enter, because some other games it advances or changes things making it rather hard to script.so I wanted to change it to like the NUMPAD 5 or even just a different letter.

Is this something I can do? Honestly I feel like its really easy but I just dont know where to start


hi does someone got a short but straight tutorial for newbies. i would like to try this but dont found tutorial yet.