As discussed here:
We have updated the rules to ensure that the free scripts section is free from spamvertising. These rules will be enforced retroactively, if you currently are not following this rule please update your posts to the best of your abilities.
Posts prior to this post will only be hidden so the OP can update the post.
Posts following this one will be deleted.
The updated Rule:
Free Scripts Section
Scripts in the free scripts section must meet our definition of free.
For a script to be considered free, a user must be able to download the script, no-strings attached, and without barriers requiring more than a click of a link.
The following are examples of barriers:
- Account signups
- Requiring an email
- Requiring joining a Patreon
Advertising your 3rd party sites like Patreon or Gumroad inside your post is allowed.
Making it a barrier to downloading the script is not allowed.
This applies to scripts, the media does not have to be free.
Discussion on this can continue in the related thread above.
If you haven’t already please ready the site wide rules