Fun Expander 2.5.2 - Video converter with ffmpeg to i-frames added [Updated 2022-04-11]

Sorry guys, @Slibowitz @Husky @sentinel, I’m a little bit to late.
Now, the new Version of FunExpander is online with convertion to 30 fps.


No worries! Thank you very much for your effort. Tested it and works flawlessly :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah, no worries. I personally like to script at 60fps.

I just sent batch file to @Slibowitz to show him it’s not that hard to change framerate yourself. I also have one for audio replacement in case the studio mess up channels and the girl is whispering to wrong ear (why would you do that to your newest scenes BadoinkVR? :cry:)


can this tool be used to queue up to covert more than 1 script at a time?

No, sorry. Maybe i will build it in sometime in the future, but so far that doesn’t work.


Hi @HeelsLover69 and thanks for creating this tool.
By any chance is it possible to transform the video into i-frames and lower its resolution at the same time to be able to process it so that it requires less resources on my laptop?
I understand that the Handbrake tool in Proxy 1080p mode can do this. What do you think about it? Will it have any negative effect or lag with the original file?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

@Physx77 Fun Expander can already lower the resolution. Right above the “convert a video to i-frames” button, input the number of pixels you want for width and height and the video will simultaneously convert to that (should be 2:1 for VR).

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Thx @Glove, I hadn’t seen that, I’ll test directly with Fun Expander then.
Another question that may have already been asked: if I convert my video in 30 fps when it is in 60ps (not quite) at the beginning, will it cause a lag with my script?

@Physx77 It should not cause lag, no.

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I can confirm everything @Glove said. Many thanks for helping out.

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@HeelsLover69 thanks for making this tool! I’ve only recently started using it, and I just wanted to say how incredibly useful and easy it’s been to use.

Thank you for your kind words, @burtreynolds

I agree as well, very helpful tool @HeelsLover69 :pray:

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Great work !! thank you very much.

To Expand the Fun with The Handy, what settings do you guys use ?


That depends on the script. If i think, just a little bit more would be great, i use 5 on Top- and on Bottompoint. If the script is really shallow i use 10 Top and Bottom. But that depends on your taste.

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I’m using this program a lot to convert cock hero easy to hard mode because I love cock hero funscripts but most of them are half speed (one beat = up or down). I’m always removing some of the generated points afterwards because they are also generated when there is a break between points in the cock hero. Would it be possible to add an option to not generate additional points for break sections? Maybe an option to not generate points if the interval between two existing points is greater than x (milli)seconds - this way it should be possible to detect and ignore the break sections.

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Thanks for your comment. Let me see what i can do.

@lr_x3 What setting did you use at Min. Speed? Have you tried to set this to 100 mm/s for example?

Will try. Haven’t touched that setting because I didn’t (and still don’t) understand what that setting does :confused:

Ah, ok. I can try to explain that. Picture say more that 1000 Words:

Easy Mode:

Hard Mode, Min. Speed = 0:

Hard Mode, Min. Speed = 100:

So, if the speed of a stroke would be less than 100 mm/s FunExpander increase the speed to at least 100 mm/s, as you can see in picture 3. You can also try something around 300 to 400, if you like really fast strokes with gaps between the single strokes.

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