Funscript AI Generation - VR (& 2D POV now?) - Join the Discord :)

:rocket: VR Funscript AI Generator - v0.2.0 - Release Notes :rocket:

Hold onto your VR headsets—this update is a banger! :fireworks:

Once again, massive props to :man_mage: @spatialflux :man_mage: for his tireless wizardry and deep dives into the codebase.

:sparkles: What’s New? :sparkles:

:fire: 10-Bit Color & Edge Case Support – Because your high-quality VR content deserves precision!
:gear: Settings Page – No more tweaking like a hacker in a movie—meet config.json and the all-new settings UI!
:open_file_folder: Smart Folder Processing (CLI Mode) – Scan entire folders with intelligent ignores for versions and completed files!
:scroll: Metadata Files in Output – Because organization matters! Plus, an easy re-open .bat file for Windows users.
:chart_with_upwards_trend: File Versions in YOLO & Metrics Files – Tracking your experiments just got easier!

:warning: New Format Alert!
Due to the move to msgpack and file versions, it’s best to clear out the old data under the output folder in your project as it’s no longer compatible with this release.

:wrench: Fixes & Improvements :wrench:

:stop_button: Stop Processing Button – Because sometimes, we all have regrets.
:fire: Heatmap & Report Generation – Now separate actions! No more waiting on one for the other.
:tools: Log Level Setting – Switch between info and debug modes to suit your level of nerdiness.
:clapper: Better FFmpeg Error Handling – Because FFmpeg errors should not feel like dark magic.
:mag: Fixed Seek Issues – Smooth playback, fewer headaches.
:desktop: Resolved UI & Preview Closing Bugs – No more UI ghosting!

:tools: How to Get It? :tools:

Update your repo and check out the latest installation guide:
:link: GitHub - ack00gar/VR-Funscript-AI-Generator

:crystal_ball: What’s Next? :crystal_ball:
• New AI model – The new model is already being trained right now (inc. approx. 30% JAVR)! :skull: Dreadful electricity bill knocking at the door soon! :skull:
• Tracking Layer Overhaul – Accuracy, and modularity are the next targets.
• Discord Bot – To collect, organize, and distribute AI-generated funscripts.

:tada: Thank You! :tada:


Also, we have a new detection model in the making, being trained.

Here’s quick preview of its capacity on 2D POV, versus the currently available one.

Current version:

Upcoming version (compared to the man made script in red):


I’m in love with the work you’re doing here, I have some software engineering experience, what are you looking for in new contributors?

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The todo list is long as (pardon my French) “F”, any help is welcome.

Join the Discord and be in touch with us, the repo (main and dev) is freely available to anyone willing to join forces for the community :slight_smile:

Also, will be adding the raw unfiltered continuous signal for advanced users:


FYI, @spatialflux and I are planning to release the new version of the AI model this week-end.

Expect important quality of detection improvement!

Also, we are working on a full rehaul of the “tracking” logic, this will take more time, but in the end should bring faster processing and major funscript output improvements.

I will also make a proper announcement, but currently as a beta test, we have a bot with us in the Discord!

You can use it to upload, search, download, request funscripts etc.

Be in touch with it via PM / direct messages only, starting by !help for the list of commands



The bot just started logging downloads btw:


:rocket: New YOLO Model Update – More Reliable, More Precise! :dart:

@spatialflux and I are thrilled to announce a major upgrade to our YOLO detection model, bringing better stability, and more reliable tracking across all classes!

:microscope: What’s New?
:white_check_mark: More Stable Training – We extended training with more epochs and a lower learning rate, ensuring the model learns deeper patterns without overfitting.
:white_check_mark: Enhanced Object Recognition – We tweaked multiple hyperparameters and switched to a new optimizer, making the model much better at detecting less common objects.
:white_check_mark: Smarter Fine-Tuning – We ran a dedicated fine-tuning phase without mosaic or scale augmentation, helping the model handle real-world cases more effectively.

:chart_with_downwards_trend: Key Improvements:
:small_blue_diamond: Flicker Ratio Reduced – Smoother, more consistent tracking with fewer ID switches.
:small_blue_diamond: Better Track Stability – Fewer unique track IDs = more reliable object persistence across frames.
:small_blue_diamond: Increased Detection Performance – Higher accuracy in recognizing faces, hands, and key body parts.

This update is a huge step forward in model reliability and brings us closer to seamless, flicker-free tracking! :fire:

In the attached screenshot, left side being the new model, you can expect improvements also on BJ scenes with better face detection and tracking!

As usual, download the models from the #resources from the discord, place them in your “models” folder, and don’t forget to change the model you are using via the Settings Panel !

:robot: Introducing AI Funscript Bot!
:small_orange_diamond: Upload your AI generated scripts to share with the community.
:small_orange_diamond: Request new scripts and let the AI generate them for you.
:small_orange_diamond: Browse and download from an ever-growing collection!

Exciting times to be alive! :rocket:

Give it a spin and let us know your feedback! :speech_balloon:


:rocket: Our Masterplan Roadmap is Live!

We’ve just shared our “Masterplan” roadmap over in ⁠Discord. :dart:

If you’re interested in contributing or have ideas to share, don’t hesitate to poke @spatialflux and I — we’d love to have you on board!


You are doing an amazing job :clap:– this is the evolution and future of this site. I hope you achieve great success, and (jokingly) that you won’t be stopped by people making money from complex frame-by-frame manually scripts.

Honestly i don’t believe this will cause an uproar in the community, IF done right. And that means to keep this tool as open as possible, involve the community in the big-picture direction as much as possible, and always make it clear that the humans always have the power (and full rights, in case doublevr reads this, lmao) to use and change whatever the AI generates. AI is best used as a tool to speed up workflows, not as a replacement for human intuitiveness and creativity.

So far the creators are definitely following that path, and I think it will continue to grow as more people find out about this. Open-source projects like these have 100% the possibility to overcome challenges and become greater than the closed-source scams that normie sex-tech companies usually like to promote on these forums. The community should benefit from this the most, we still have the power to not let this niche keel over to big tech monopolies.


Thanks, @Alexus! This has now become a (very small - we’re two now) collaborative effort, with incredible support from the community.

We’re making the most of our free time between work and family commitments to give back to the community.

The response from scripters and users has been very benevolent, with a warm welcome and plenty of constructive feedback.

There are still many questions to answer and challenges to tackle, but we’re excited to keep pushing forward! :rocket:


Committed this fix in the main branch :

→ Fixed state.frame_end ghosting in the GUI, which was leading to early cut of processing of videos after a shorter one was already processed in the same GUI instance.

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Latest comparison graphs on a passthrough video.

  • In red = man made posted on eroscript today (awesome, bumdude as usual, thanks!)
  • In blue = our pipeline.

And we are currently fully rehauling the logic, we’ll make it even better :slight_smile:


Hy easyest way to install possible create exe file?


Thank you for this, I just started generating my first funscript. :innocent:

I have a ton of VR vids waiting to get scripted.

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Haha, nice.

My advice would be: don’t script them all at once :wink:

We are working on an even better version, yet to be released.

Might need some couple + weeks though.


I played around with it today, and it still needs some work, with time it will probably get really good, below you can find a comparison for a paid script vs generated, in certain positions it works great, in others not so much. Still I enjoyed playing around with it.

Hey @k00gar, have you considered combining your approach with @Zalunda’s Motion Vectors Plugin (How to use FunscriptToolBox MotionVectors Plugin in OpenFunscripter - #92 by Zalunda)? It might work better than the tracking boxes alone?

Not yet, and the latest version of the AI body part detection model is quite strong and reliable already.

Short misses on frames can be filled by Kalman filters, as well as short obstructions.

But longer obstructions might need a different approach with a flow analysis.

We will definitely look into that direction once we will have pushed our current approach as far as we can, and see what is left to be filled.

For sure the latest section is way too shallow in terms of strokes, but I do not see many strokes missing :wink:

Absolutely agree on some sections being hit or miss though.

If you have any of those examples (video reference, timestamp, issue), please share in the Discord, as we are trying to build a benchmark library so as to evaluate the next big update in the making.