Funscript AI Generation - VR (& 2D POV now?) - Join the Discord :)

Hi @hinro and thank you for your kind words :slight_smile:

Let’s be honest: no, it is not matching what this company developed.

I do not have the knowledge, nor the expertise in Computer Vision nor ML to achieve what they did, at a professional scale, and on my free time only.

So by no means am I trying to compete, I am just exploring and trying to give back to the community.

This being said, progress is made every day, trying to tackle unexpected/unwanted behavior of the algorithm wrapping the yolo model detection layer. And as you know, while you close one tap, two others opened in your back and the water is pouring.

As we covered it in the discord, the dataset is lacking of specific cases (it is struggling with latex scenes…), so it would need to be augmented, but as you mentioned it, this is really not the funny part of the job.

I am still struggling with some very specific scenes (grinding moves for instance), where your approach could be leveraged and optimized by focusing on a very specific part of the video, and on a very specific part of the frame (ROI). Happy to discuss with you if we could join efforts somehow.

Regarding the weights, since I had no clue what I was doing in the beginning (and mostly, even now), I first thought that it might be better to not expose them right away on GitHub, and that GitHub was mainly for code, not for actual weights. I initially uploaded an apple version of the weight, and it was seen as a directory, that was a mess, and it wouldn’t be cloned, making a mess :frowning:


Second reason is I was trying to foster engagement, and having people join the Discord actually helped:

  • Not spamming this thread with installation troubleshooting (and I can tell you I spent time helping a couple people with their install), nor with questions on how the tool works, nor suggestions, food for thought, etc.
  • Getting interest from developers, and already some Pull Requests have been merged (thank you!) and more are coming !
  • Posting videos, images, etc. that would have made this thread heavy
  • etc.

I was more envisioning this thread (which looks quite messy now, my bad, sorry guys) as a place to cover new releases, enhancements and such, even if we had kind of a breakthrough in this very thread thanks to people like @Zalunda , @jambavant and @fenderwq with the ffmpeg v360 filter to unwarp the VR frames for instance.

So there is absolutely no hidden agenda with the Discord, no pay wall to get the weights at all.

There is no monetization goal -at all-, but once again, if someone wants to put a coin in the ko-fi piggy bank, that would easen up my wallet’s pain from buying a computer to handle all this development, model training, inferring, etc. haha :sweat_smile:

And a simple thank you, a nice word from newcomers or veterans of this forum simply made my day a couple times already!

This is a very transparent post, like I am in real life, I hope it makes things clear :wink:

Looking forward to having you onboard!


I would say no need to undersell the accomplishments. I’ve tried to do what you did and lost my dang mind. From the screenshots that were shown when it was being promoted they were using yolo and even if you don’t have as many classes as they do I would say getting as far as you have so far is quite the accomplishment. In your spare time you have matched where they were.

As for the latex I could be wrong but I would think that the problem there would be the uniform color not having the usual details that yolo would look for to differentiate parts as it usually would look for. Perhaps treating latex scenes like a green screen and having large areas of voids changed to a different color or a gradient could bring out the details enough for it to work. Assuming of course that the problem is the tracking is not picking up enough details to properly track.

Yeeeeeah it’s always a fun time when you get one bug squashed then finding two more that were hiding :sob: it never ends.

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Thank you @hinro , I really appreciate.

Regarding the latex scenes:

I will definitely investigate that option, makes total sense to try that out before running to the raw solution of enriching the dataset with more latex scene pictures (which might also have side effects on the detection quality for regular scenes… who knows…).

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Updates: v0.0.1_25-01-16

  • Funscript pos. estimation - Fixed - Close up did not deactivate the locked-penis-box, interfering with funscript pos, when it should be 100

  • Funscript pos. estimation - Fixed - Doggy not triggering action, under specific circumstances

  • Funscript pos. estimation - Fixed - Major issue in penis-inserted length computation

  • Funscript pos. estimation - Fixed - Cowgirl not defaulting to tracking absolute position of breast when pussy is covered (her red cloth at some point of the video), under specific circumstances

  • Funscript pos. estimation - Reworked - Part of the body parts interaction logic, lessening sudden jerky moves from one position to the other

  • Funscript pos. estimation - Reworked - Discarded hands positions passing over penis location during penetration

  • Application - Added - A proper logging system, writing to both console and FSGenerator.log => please share that file for any debugging purpose along with all other output files

  • Application - Added - A version number, for reference, both in logs and in funscript ‘version’ field

  • Application - Removed - All message dialog boxes that would prevent a batch processing approach as suggested by @jcwicked (thanks again, and PR on hold for now)

These changes have a major impact on the output files!


Updates: v0.0.2_25_01_18

  • Fixed an issue in case of processing more than one video without restarting the app

More awesome stuff coming!


HotFix: v0.0.3

  • Funscript tweaking - Fixed - Deactivating the simplification was raising an error
  • Funscript tweaking - Fixed - The rounding of the position was not deactivated in sync with simplification state
  • Funscript generation - Fixed - Duplicate timings in reference funscript were raising an error

Soon, currently in the making:

  • Major performance improvement in the making (FPS x2 on my Mac for instance, as of now)
  • Better HJ/BJ handling via a 2 pass approach
  • And much more!

Buy Me a Coffee at


HotFix: v0.0.4_hf01

  • Tweaked the initial P-detection and locking. The logic was recently loosened up to be less restrictive, leading to erroneous early tracking

If you have already processed videos, you can reprocess them in minutes if you kept the matching _rawyolo.json file, you do not need to go through the hassle of a full YOLO detection, this fix only concerns the tracking layer of the logic.

Is the discord link expired that is above?

Hmm, should be working fine. Are you having any trouble joining ?

I think the link is set to not expire.

This one: VR Funscript AI Generation

I get this when I click it
Screenshot 2025-01-25 180559

Be in touch with me in PM, as we keep having new people joining, the link seems to be ok for most of us :frowning:

I just tried to copy the link into discord and it worked it evidently just wont open from firefox

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Sorry bout that, no clue why :confused:
Happy to have you onboard!

@k00gar does the tool work for JAV VR as well? would love this to happen :pray:

So, to be honest @StillHorizon , JAVR is not easy because of the mosaic’ed stuff, and I was almost going to answer you with a basic “No, sorry”.

However, it is true that I included JAVR frames in my dataset for training, but maybe only 10% of the 4500 images used for training.

Yet, I had to make a recent tweak on the initial p-locking logic, making it less restrictive (it was initially waiting to detect a penis in full, with glans, and I can tell you this is not easy with the mosaic barreer).

To make it short, with this new logic, I just ran a test based on @maechoon recent post here :

And here is the result (maechoon’s script in red, the ai generated one in blue):

So, basically, the grinding is not good, same with the other videos, and we are trying to fix.

But there is potential on the rest!


Thanks for the informative answer!

I think the result shows great potential, great work on this. Is there any way the community can help out to fine tune the model for JAV VR and beyond?

@StillHorizon thanks for the kind words.

I would gladly accept images and annotations, which is basically the hard part of the job.

I created a script that helps this hefty process, it can work on your video library, extract frames and suggests boxes that you would need to adjust, delete, or add.

This would take part of the dataset that we then train the YOLO model on.

But, oh boy it takes dedication.

It requires to be very thorough, as the quality of the labelling directly impact the quality of the model, thus, the detections and tracking => building of the output signal = funscript.

It basically looks like this:

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Just to be clear, most of the boxes with figures less than 1 were auto-detected by the current model, making it more a review and adjust/add/remove than when I started from scratch… Back then, I had to do everything lol

I wanted to use this program, but I don’t know anything about Python and GitHub, so I couldn’t even install it. :smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear:

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