yes, ffmpeg does the video magic and I do not specify a framerate, so it uses some default I think.
Adding something like -b:v 2M -b:a 192k might do the trick. I’ll try when I have some time.
Im having an issue where I try to use “slow but safest” for a merge but nothing happens after it creates “scaled” versions of the clips Im trying to merge. The scaled videos are 0 kb and cant be viewed due to an error. I can’t use the “fast” mode since the clips are different in fps. One is 50 and other is 30. What can I do here?
having this error and I dont know what it means
-40: [aac @ 00000171355bca00] Qavg: 508.228Conversion failed!
Looks like ffmpeg throws that error. Can you try to download a different version of ffmpeg? Also try a short folder and filename.
tired another version of ffmpeg and even updated the one I have. I even changed the name of the files and it keeps failing and spits out that error
So after some tinkering I found that I just needed to run the troublesome video through davinci and re export it. it fixed the error.
When I was playing with the tool tho i noticed that the syncing of the videos and scripts merged are off, not by much but still noticable
Is there a limit to how long the video can be? It’s giving me errors everytime I try to split a video over 20 minutes long.
20 min should be no issue. More likely the codec and settings the video uses or your ffmpeg installation.
What would this error mean?
“Error reading split csv file: Index was outside the bounds of the array.”
That you probably have a typo in the csv file. Has nothing to do with the video.