FunscriptDancer - generate Funscripts from music beat/pitch/energy, cross platform

I ran into this problem. I had a command window open with admin privileges, since running juliaup.

Somehow, I ended up installing sonic-annotator and the vamp plugins after that point, then added c:\Program Files\sonic-annotator to the path. Ran the funscriptdancer.bat file, watched it grind away for 30 minutes, open the app, and it failed at the same point.

The environment variables only get loaded in that instance of the command prompt when that window opens. I opened another command prompt window, and checked the path, and saw the sonic annotator was there, so that left me trying other stuff for a while.

It even ran sonic-annotator -h from a command window, so I knew it was installed and the path working.

I typed ā€˜pathā€™ in the window that funscriptdancer.bat was waiting, and it didnā€™t show, as well as the attempt to run sonic-annotator from that folder. Opening a new command prompt (run as admin), and then it worked fine.

Another thing: Make sure thereā€™s a trailing backslash on the path entry. Sometimes it will fail if itā€™s just C:\Program Files\Sonic-Annotator
and not C:\Program Files\Sonic-Annotator\

Ignore my previous edits to this page. Has anyone found a good way to make different kinds of intensity to the scripts? So like good basic settings for low intensity or high intensity?

best regards!

Julia updates:

Every so often when it runs it says thereā€™s an update to Julia. Just dropping out to a command prompt and running ā€œjuliaup updateā€ like it asks seems to do the trick, but then it warns that other things were compiled using a 1.0.9 dependency. Are there ways of updating the other files to the current rev of Julia?

Scary warning aside, it does run, so, good enough for now, I guess.

Trying to follow along what itā€™s doing in the command window is a little weird as is garbles some of the text after it has FFMPEG extract the audio to a .wav file. This seems to be harmless, because eventually it dumps the waveform back into the FunscriptDancer window to manipulate and export.

I get an error with larger files, and Iā€™m trying to determine if thereā€™s a way to allocate more resources to handling the file, or if thereā€™s a known upper limit. (Maybe by reducing the sample rate by half, or simply splitting the video file into smaller pieces first?)

The error happens after FFMPEG has extracted the .wav. Somewhere around 99%, the Vamp-aubio:aubiotemp:beats" processing fails.

"CodedAudioFileReader: Caught bad_alloc when trying to add 131072 elements to buffer. Error Failed to process file ā€œtmp\Decendant [strothy 2023].x264.wavā€.

The next process, involving ā€œvamp:vamp-aubio:aubiopitch:frequencyā€ seems to pass without a problem, or at least it gets to ā€œExtracting and writing features ā€¦ Doneā€

Also: you need to go in and clean out the funscriptdancer\tmp folder every now and then. Funscriptdancer removes the audio files (if it doesnā€™t crash) but the other .CSV files will accumulate.

ā€œError: The Julia launcher failed to figure out which juliaup channel to use.ā€

Awesome Tool!!! Thank you so much!!! :heart_eyes:

Works very well!!!

how do you install this? there is no funscript dancer . batch

The funscriptDancer.bat is in the github if you just download the zip.

do you have a link to the zip cuz i donā€™t see it on there

Click the green code button and there should be an option to download as a zip.

thanks, I feel like such an idiot lol. I hopefully installed the other stuff correctly, that site does look different on mobile that on pc

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idk why but its saying i donā€™t have sonic annotator installed or on the command variable but i do have it installed and set to windows path environmental variables maybe i need to restart my computer idk it has been on for days lolā€¦

nvm im just an idiot and put the variables in its own thing instead of in path

Seems that the download page for Sonic Annotator is down, any chance someone has a copy?

Sonic Annotator site is still down, weird. I peeped at the github but donā€™t see a release compiled like on the website.

PMVs are literally the easiest thing to script with the most creative leeway.

Sonic Annotator 1.6

Hereā€™s the version I have. Seems to be working.

great stuff works well, would be nice to select energy and pitch in sections rather than as one, maybe I can combine multiple scripts or something :thinking:

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I love this thing.
It can give you a good start for a hybrid PMV video and save you some time, and you can always go through the points and adjust the values afterwards. I have a vid in progress that I might release.